Ji Ying's Death

After passing through the city wall and exiting Ding'an City, Lin Yan carried a medicine bag with a solemn expression, not knowing if he should return to the Ji Village.

He decided to walk out slowly first. There was an empty farmland outside Ding'an City. If the two of them really followed him, at least this large piece of dilapidated farmland outside Ding'an City could not conceal them.

The moonlight was just right, shining on the dilapidated fields and covering them with a layer of silver gauze.

On the entire ridge, other than an abandoned farm cart without wooden wheels, there was almost no place to hide.

He could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

Just as he walked to the middle of the empty farmland, a loud bang suddenly came from Ding'an City behind him.