Unparalleled Clearness, Save or Kill

After confirming that Xiaozhi was safe and sound, Lin Yan set off for the depths of the Guangchuan Mountains the next morning.

Green branches covered the dense forest. Lin Yan turned into a blurry shadow and flashed through the lush leaves.

Along the way, he saw that the number of people entering the mountain had increased greatly. Obviously, they had heard of the unforeseen event in the depths and went to try their luck.

Lin Yan's speed was extremely fast. Not long after, he saw a majestic green poisonous fog sea in the distance.

At first glance, it was as if a hole dozens of kilometers wide had opened in the sky. Green fog kept rolling down from the sky. Upon closer look, it was purely a rolling and surging green fog sea of clouds. It was like a tidal wave that spread for at least dozens of kilometers.

"It's too big. Where did so much poisonous fog come from…"

A trace of deep shock flashed across Lin Yan's eyes.