Xiaozhi's Dream

The remains of the dead tree melted like wax. In an instant, it covered Xiaozhi's white jade scar.

Then, the flowing dead wood slowly solidified and turned into scales with wood patterns. Then, it slowly disappeared under Xiaozhi's skin.

Xiaozhi's breathing was steady, and there was even a faint smile on her lips.

"It's effective!"

The white jade scar was slowly fading and becoming shallow.

Lin Yan couldn't figure out if there would be any terrible consequences when the Spirit Marrow fragment took effect.

However, in Xiaozhi's situation, any consequences would have to wait until he woke her up.

He immediately took out the remaining dozen pieces and stuck them on the white jade scar on Xiaozhi's arm.

The wreckage was not hindered at all. Once it touched Xiaozhi, it immediately fused into her.