Spirit Martial Artists and Spirit Marrow Currency (1)

"Second-grade Spirit Marrow?" A hint of realization appeared in Wu Qinglei's eyes. "Could it be that… you want to walk the path of Spirit Marrow?"

This time, it was Lin Yan's turn to be confused, but his expression was calm. He didn't say anything and pretended that the guess was correct.

Wu Qinglei shook his head. "The Dao of Spirit Marrow is indeed the path of martial arts that improves the fastest and is the strongest.

"Actually, in the prefecture capital, martial artists in the Dao of Spirit Marrow often have noble statuses and are powerful. They are respectfully called Spirit Martial Artists.

"But I still advise you to give up as soon as possible. You came from the lower city and don't have a huge family fortune, or the support of the huge forces behind Xiao Ye and Qin Xiang. At most, you can reach the hurdle of the second-grade Spirit Marrow. You'll waste your energy and wealth for nothing."