Spirit Martial Artists and Spirit Marrow Currency (3)

She was obviously happy. She was in high spirits and exuded a carefree and cute temperament. She attracted Liu Cheng's gaze again, causing him to be stunned.

Yu Qian couldn't take it anymore and slammed the table. "Enough! Liu Cheng! You're too much!"

This slap not only shocked Liu Cheng, but it also attracted the gaze of the woman by the window.

She turned around and Liu Cheng's heart was thumping wildly. He felt that Yu Qian's scolding had ruined his face.

He immediately shouted, "Yu Qian! What's the meaning of this?!"

"Liu Cheng! You're going too far!"

"Yu Qian! Is there something wrong with your brain?!"

Liu Cheng saw from the corner of his eye that the girl's gaze was fixed on him, and he straightened his body. "Don't think I don't know! Your father and you are just greedy for my Liu family's wealth and power. That's why you want to marry me. Before you talk to me, figure out your identity first!"
