Exploring the Cave and Meeting the Netherworld River Again (1)

Lin Yan took out the silk map and carefully compared it to the surrounding environment.

The lower left section of the map clearly matched the valley in front of him. The red dot marked on it was on the upper right of the map. There was also a curve that was probably a river, which reached that red dot.

"Therefore, let's find the river in the valley first and follow the river to reach the red dot."

Lin Yan's physique had greatly improved, and his hearing was extremely strong. Soon, he found a stream in the forested valley.

The stream was at most an arm wide and actually had an orange-red color. It emitted a pungent sulfur smell and meandered deeper into the valley.

Lin Yan followed the stream forward and gradually descended the hill into the deeper parts of the valley. The plants along the way became darker and greener, and there were many plants that looked like banana trees. The air became damper and damper, and water could come out with a touch.