Searching for Zhang Yangzhou

About half an hour later, with Lin Yan's endless blood energy supply, 10,000 tiny people started from nothing and practiced the Five Animal Hands Technique and the Dragon-Shaped Fist…

They had even reached 100% proficiency in Whale Torrent Fist and Phoenix Spear. Only the Stone Pagoda was incomplete and could not be perfected.

Looking at the sky outside, it was almost time for the afternoon roll call.

Lin Yan stopped for the time being and allowed his clones to hide in his body. He stood up and went out to the martial arts arena again.

"Deduction can't be done blindly. Without a sufficient number of Force Features as a reference, even deduction is just random.

"Therefore, I still have to collect more Force Features. When Liu Lanqing returns, I'll go to the Demon Suppression Division and exchange for those Force Features like Gloomy Wind and Heavy Mountain…"

As he thought about it, he arrived at the drill ground.