12 Enlightenment Spiritual Lights

In the next few days, Liu Lanqing continued to organize a few missions to explore the poisonous fog.

However, when she entered the underground waterway alone, she was lured and ambushed by the Corpse Buddha Cockroaches. She suffered a small loss and was almost surrounded by the insect tide.

Therefore, in the next few missions, she was clearly much more cautious. She only explored the periphery, and her main goal was to attract the Corpse Buddha Cockroaches out. Once she discovered that something was wrong, she would immediately retreat.

However, the Corpse Buddha Cockroaches had clearly learned their lesson. They no longer suffered heavy casualties like the first time. They mainly ambushed and lured.

The only time they were mobilized in large numbers, they almost surrounded the humans. It was Lin Yan who led them out of the encirclement.

Of course, they were lucky.