Feeding the Mud Fruit Clone

He listened carefully, but there was no movement. He didn't know if Liu Lanqing was careful not to attack or if he had run further away.

Lin Yan simply climbed up the tree trunk and returned to the cave covered by the tree trunk. He sat cross-legged and took out the bottle of blood droplets. He dripped a drop on his finger.

Green-blue blood was extremely rare. It was unknown how the structure was different from human blood cells.

Lin Yan activated his Formless True Self special effect, and a strange power instantly seeped into the green-blue blood. While establishing a connection with Lin Yan, it also caused its internal structure to change drastically.

About a minute later, a greenish-blue living creature the size of a drop of blood appeared on Lin Yan's finger.

Lin Yan heaved a sigh of relief. If it wasn't his blood essence, it would be much more difficult to create the Formless Clone, and the consumption would be much greater.