God of Slaughter and Stranger (3)

In the next moment, the ground beside the giant Buddha body suddenly cracked!

The rock layer bulged, and a huge green plant crawled out of the ground!

The vines below continued to extend, and in an instant, they pushed the plant to the waist of the giant!

The deep Chaotic Fog also rose and surrounded the strange plant. It was high and mighty, as if it was welcoming it.

Below the plant was purely a thick vine, and above it was a flower bud-like structure. It was dark green and the size of a house. It bulged and squirmed, secreting sticky liquid.

It swayed left and right, constantly searching. It clearly did not have eyes, but it seemed to be observing and searching.

Soon, it chose a direction. The green plant skin on the surface squirmed violently, as if it was choking on something. It suddenly opened and spat out!

A sticky and disgusting liquid was spat out.