New Treasure Fruit of Creation

That inheritance jade was even more magical than Lin Yan had imagined.

He had not actually taken the initiative to cultivate just now. He had only quietly watched the light and shadow of the Inheritance Jade play.

However, he did not expect that the video would imperceptibly affect his strength, causing him to enter a state similar to visualization and enlightenment.

Then, his force unconsciously followed the light and shadow of the domineering figure and gathered in the palm, the back of his hand, and his feet. It fused into the finger bones and feet, outlining a strange circuit.

"So, this Three Dominations can only be successfully cultivated through the Inheritance Jade?"

Without the inheritance jade, without the guidance of the domineering person, even if he had the corresponding cultivation method, he would definitely not be able to carve such a strange force circuit in his bones.