All Dead and the Goddess

Lin Yan was originally worried that learning this ancient language would delay the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother's request for his help.

Unexpectedly, the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother sent a message that the Three Dominations was profound and difficult to master. It was endlessly profound and required an extremely long time to master.

Therefore, she suggested that Lin Yan leave first. In a year or two, when he had some achievements in Three Dominations, he would help her.

For this, she even told Lin Yan that she had already arrived at the destination of this trip and informed him to leave with others.

"Brother, this Turtle Spirit Holy Mother treats you too well and trusts you too much! Could it be that… you're really her mother?"

"Piss off!"

Old Qin secretly sent a message, but it was dismissed by Lin Yan.

However, to be honest, Lin Yan had never felt such pure trust from outsiders after awakening his wisdom.