Connection to the 67th Battlefield

"Seal? What seal? You mean…"

Lin Yan immediately reacted and his expression changed. "You're talking about the previous 99 battlefields!"

The golden ball jumped rapidly. "The sealed battlefields were already on the verge of collapse and were about to be occupied by the Gadfly Demons. I can only use spatial seals to completely freeze them in exchange for a chance of survival.

"But now, those seals have begun to loosen. They will open up gaps one by one and undo the sealed battlefields.

"Once the seals are completely broken, all the Gadfly Demons on the battlefields will be released. At that time, I…"

The golden ball shook violently. "My consciousness will be broken through by the Gadfly Demons. They will occupy my body and turn me into their puppet!"

Perhaps it was because of the urgency of the situation or the change in the seal, but the golden ball's speech became smoother and more hurried.