New Insect King Clone (2)

However, this time, it was different from the way the insect king clone joined the flesh network.

This was because the moment the pitch-black flesh reached Insect 67's arm, it was absorbed into its body, causing its body to expand and bulge!

At that time, Lin Yan had used pitch-black flesh to test Insect 36. A similar situation had happened, but this time, the devouring speed of insect 67 was clearly faster!

In just a few breaths, Insect 67 had already expanded visibly!

Furthermore, it was clearly extremely excited. From time to time, its fat tumor would bulge and vibrate. From it, it actually emitted a sound that was like a toad bulging its stomach. It was ear-piercing and unpleasant.

Could this Insect 67 continue devouring like this?

Lin Yan suddenly stood up. He couldn't wait any longer!