Treasure Realm Method and Anger of the Past (2)

His voice was resolute and powerful, completely incompatible with Old Qin's personality.

However, it made Lin Yan's ears suddenly ring with the desolation and sorrow that old monk Wang Yue had expressed before he died.

Use my remnant body as firewood and light a lamp in the vast world. When there's a lamp, there will be people!

In the past 800 years, what had the humans of Ancient Fan Nation done to face that despairing opponent?

"Now, I really believe that you're Qin Jun. You became like this because of a hidden plan…"

The Turtle Spirit Holy Mother was not angry. She floated up again calmly. "I want to apologize to you. I do know something. You humans have always been unyielding and have set up unbelievable and earth-shattering plans during the long time.