Sick Tiger and Black Snake (1)

From his appearance alone, he could definitely be considered a valiant man.

His black hair fluttered behind his head. He had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. His face was as exquisite as a knife, and the proportion of his facial features was just right. Coupled with a hint of aloofness and coldness, he looked like a peerless handsome man.

If one didn't look at the part below the neck, above his neck, he had a normal, perfect, and even surreal handsome face.

However, below his neck was a coiling snake-shaped body that kept squirming!

A peerlessly handsome human-faced snake with long flowing hair!

The dense and hard black scales on his snake body kept rubbing against each other as he squirmed, making a sound like metal colliding. There were even sparks flashing, showing that their master's heart was far less calm than he looked on the surface.