A Place Where God Can't See (2)

Then, he said impatiently, "I'll give you three counts. Hurry up and tell me how you came here. After three counts, if you don't tell me, I won't want to know anymore…




Prince Jing's bad premonition grew stronger and stronger. At the end of the countdown, he raised his hand, wanting to strangle Lin Yan to death as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind descended from the sky at an unbelievable speed and hit Prince Jing's chest!

So fast!

It was too fast!

He only had time to gather a layer of force to protect his chest before he felt a huge force that was like a steamship descending from the sky hit his chest.


A terrifying force pierced through, causing Prince Jing to fall back instantly. A furious roar instantly erupted from the ground, and a huge pit instantly caved in. Countless terrifying cracks immediately spread along the surrounding greenish-black rocks!