God Dwelling Insect's Egg

The Myriad Treasures Tree ignored Lin Yan.

As if provoked by the God Dwelling Insect, dense seven-colored threads suddenly extended from the roots below and pierced into the God Dwelling Insect's corpse like needles.

As if it had heard an angry roar, a thick black light rose from the surface of the God Dwelling Insect's corpse, wanting to spread up along the seven-colored threads.

The Myriad Treasures Tree shook slightly, and the seven-colored threads instantly shone brightly, directly covering the black light. Countless seven-colored threads were like straw mouthparts that suddenly sucked in large mouthfuls, extracting countless spiritual energy from the God Dwelling Insect's corpse, causing every seven-colored thread to swell.

Therefore, the God Dwelling Insect's faint angry roar instantly turned into a terrified plea for mercy. However, it was useless. Its body quickly shrank and curled up.