More Than Ten Times

Seven days later.

Lin Yan still did not come out. In fact, the speed at which he devoured the spirituality of the world did not decrease at all. Instead, it became even greater. It actually affected the output of the Spiritual Droplets at the core and the concentration of the Spiritual Droplets in the other quiet rooms.

"Why isn't he out yet?!"

Even if he used the special breakthrough method of concentration, this time would be enough to break through ten times!

"Could it be that he failed to break through? Then, he continued trying?"

"That's possible. Sigh, if he fails to break through to the Treasure Realm once, the difficulty will increase by ten times the second time, and a hundred times the third time! If he doesn't succeed the first time, it's even more impossible for him to succeed later! Does he not even understand this logic?!"

"Do you want to go in and call him?"