Black Grade Crimson Heart Thunder Flower

"Big Sis."

"Little brother, he is…"

"He's the Brother Lin I mentioned to you."

Shen Yan's eldest sister, Shen Yelin, scrutinized Lin Yan from head to toe. "Didn't you say that he's not a disciple of the Holy Fan Association?"

"Well… Brother Lin has a strange ability. He said that he has a way to produce Black Grade Unusual Items."

Disappointment appeared in Shen Yelin's beautiful eyes as she said indifferently, "In other words, he's also an Unusual Item Master?"

Shen Yan looked at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan looked at the Crimson Heart Thunder Flowers. He didn't know about Unusual Item Masters, but with the number of Yellow Grade Mystical Items here, it wouldn't be a problem to produce a Black Grade Mystical Item.

So he nodded slowly.

A hint of danger flashed across Shen Yelin's eyes. "Little brother, you were tricked by him again."
