Initial Screening, Pre-Selection, Registered Disciple

Cui Yanpeng did not pass the initial screening?

He had an innate Precious Technique.

Even though he had died in Lin Yan's hands in one move.

It seemed that this initial screening was quite strict.

Of course, Lin Yan passed the initial screening, or rather, not just the initial screening.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have intervened on the spot and challenged the Holy Fan Association's external personnel.

At that time in the library, after he signed up, an invisible force came out of the void and probed the various parameters of his body.

After checking, a badge appeared in the air and landed in his hand.

Pre-Selection Pass

According to the Holy Fan Association, after the initial screening, there would be professionals who would conduct the preliminaries on this planet. After the preliminaries, they could go to the core of the Holy Fan Association's Astral World for the final selection.