
Chapter V: The 60-Kilometer Stretch

Celeste's Perspective

I don't even know how long we've been on this rock. I feel like it's been weeks, but night only occurred once. The sun is scorching today. Even though this planet is the twenty-third planet from this sun, it feels as though we're on Venus.

We've been walking for a while now.

"Sixty-three Kilometers from your destination."

Whoever created this A.I. System is a genius. It seems like it knows precisely what you're thinking. Kind of scary, in a way.

Putting that aside, things seem to be going well… for now. Even though Michael became our leader by default, he still insisted that I walk in front. Maybe he just wants to give me that sense of leadership as compensation for Graham's…

… I miss you… so much, my love.

Everything would've been so much better if you were still here. I miss your warmth and that overbearing confidence as well. I miss your sincerity and your helpfulness in dire situations.

I don't care about this world or even Earth for that matter. Saving humanity is worthless if you're not here. But I know you would've wanted me to carry on no matter what.

I just feel… empty and scared without you. And with Michael behind me, watching like a hawk, it's not helping this rotting feeling inside.

My mind is wandering to places where it shouldn't be. I just want to get off this shithole.

Every step feels like a loop. The scorch of this world's sun feels at least twice as bad as a summer's day on Earth and I'm so thirsty.

Jennifer's Perspective

I downed my 750ml bottle of water like shots of tequila. It quenched my thirst well, for now at least. I could see Celeste was doing the same. The star of this system is no joke.

I'm walking behind Michael and although everything appears hunky-dory… I sense this ominous presence from him. He's watching her, isn't he? I can't just ignore what he said in his sleep, plus that look in his eyes when he woke up. He was ready for war.

"Regret… they'll see… I WILL KILL ALL OF THEM."

"So… you guys finally made it. It took you quite some time. Something kept you, Jennifer?"

Even if he's planning malicious deeds in that maze he calls his brain, I still don't get the drastic change in his attitude or his way of speaking. Compared to how he was when we got here and how he began acting after the "Hole Incident", it's almost like he became an entirely different person.


It's like he's two different people simultaneously.

Dissociative Identity Disorder?... maybe. Either way, I must figure him out before things get too complicated. He's not too far off for me to help him.


Help! That's all he needs! He needs my help. I can help him.

Don't you worry Michael. I'll figure you out soon enough. Then things will go back to the way they used to be.

I just hope that Celeste won't interfere in my plans to help Michael… otherwise, with the genius he is, things could turn out for the worst.

"Sixty-two Kilometers to your destination"

WHAT?! We covered a kilometer already. How is that even possible? Is Celeste finding some sort of shortcuts as we're walking? I'm stressing myself out too much.

Just go with the flow, Jen… just go with the flow.

Michael's Perspective

Sixty-two Kilometers left, huh? At this rate, we will reach the ship in about three days. How wonderful.

Wonderful? Are you forgetting that you still have not completed your mission, big brother?

What do you mean by that? Aren't we supposed to get to the ship as quickly as possible?

Sometimes you can be so absent-minded. How will you deal with these two if you reach the ship? They will only cause problems for us. The Earth's extermination's date has already been set. These two fools only have false hope for a new birth of humanity. There is no need to keep them around for much longer. You have to finish them off before you get to the ship.

I understand, but do I really have to kill Jennifer? She seems like a genuinely good person. All she ever tries to do is help other people. Maybe this was a bad idea.

You cannot chicken-out now! Have you forgotten the amount of innocent and guilty lives you took? Have you forgotten what humanity has done to me? Have you forgotten all those years of torment you had to endure without me and all those you tried to shield me from? You said it yourself, brother… I was the only truly good and innocent person to exist. Keeping her alive would make no difference. She would go insane without anybody to communicate with. You said you would listen to everything I told you, did you not?

You're right… I'm being stupid. I need to finish what I started. I listen to what you tell me, sister. I listen to the voice. Only the voice truly understands.

Good. Now, complete your MISSION.

As you command…


Now… to come up with a plan to eliminate and exterminate these two in a matter of three Earth days. Jennifer is quite perceptive, so I'll have to deal with her last.

Celeste however, she's quite oblivious to everything. Excruciatingly mind-numbing to be honest. It would have been more fun if she was smarter.

I will have to do it tomorrow when we reach close enough to the ship for them to drop their guard.

The trees are becoming less. The ground feels harder and thicker as well. Something's off.

"Sixty-one Kilometers to your destination"

Oh right… I forgot I created this artificial intelligence guiding system. It was a failed attempt in creating a friend. It can sense one's emotions and develop an appropriate response, but I shut it down before we came here.

It can probably still sense changes in one's psychological state… but that's it. Too bad I shut it down and turned it into a GPS. It could've helped me read these miscreants better.

Jennifer's definitely watching me, just as I am watching Celeste. However, I do not sense any hostility from her. She seems attentive to my actions rather than my words. What a pesky annoyance… She is going to be a problem.

Celeste's Perspective

Things are going smoothly. I managed to find different, shorter routes thanks to this GPS. It shows roads that it thinks would be faster. I wonder how it knows routes when there are no satellites here.

No matter, if it can get us to the ship quicker, why should I care about the details?

Can you see me, Gray? I'm leading the team like you did, right? I'm going to get us to the ship. Later, I would like to thank Michael for not being all 'agro' about me leaving. I was a moron to think I could survive on my own.

I wonder… huh?

Is it getting… hotter all of a sudden?


What?! The trees are gone. Are we in a desert now? All I see are mountains and dry land. What is going on?

"Well, that's going to be a problem." He stopped behind me, looking at the cracked land and light-brown, dense field in our sight.

"What's going on guys?" Jennifer stopped next to him as her jaw dropped. Dumb founded, she was. Well, who could blame her?

Is this my fault? Are they expecting me to lead them further? Maybe we should just look for a different path? Yes, even if it takes longer, taking a different path would decrease the chance of death by thirst or starvation.

"We continue through this desert." His voice echoed such confidence in my ears. He sounded so sure that we would make it out. Perhaps, Gray wanted you to be the leader, Michael.

I'm such a selfish, spoiled bitch.

"Don't you think it's a little too dangerous, Michael? Celeste still has an infected wound on her arm and we don't have much time before it spreads throughout her body. Not to mention that we don't have enough water or food to support a trip through a desert. We need to find another way." Why is she trying to stop Michael? This seems a bit off. She is right, but…

"If she's infected, then wouldn't it be more logical to head through the desert? Look at your GPS's. Do you see it? The fastest way to the ship is straight through this desert. If I am not mistaken, we still have canned and foiled foods in Graham's backpack. I also got three 2lt bottles filled with that pristine water from that dam we came from. I understand your concerns, but we have to give it a shot, Jennifer. Do you not trust me?" His statement makes even more sense than hers does. I agree with Michael on this one, but I won't say anything unless they ask for my opinion.

"I-… I do trust you, Michael." Looks like she submitted to him. That's odd. She usually never wavers from her opinions.

"Then let's stop wasting valuable time and continue moving." He turned his attention back to the great distance ahead of us as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You did good, Celeste." He said to me. I nearly began shedding tears, but that would just dehydrate me quicker. His words… they were comforting. I felt like I lived up to Gray's expectations… or his legacy.

"Th-Thank you, Michael. That really means a lot to me."

It was quite difficult to thank him, but I did it and it felt… relieving.

He took the lead this time around but insisted that we walk side by side with him. And we did exactly that.

And so… we began with the final sixty-kilometer stretch of our journey.

Eventually, Celeste began walking faster. Rushing ahead, she was. She was truly a recluse.

Just sixty kilometers and we'll be as good as home.

Jennifer's Perspective

With Earth being the hellhole that it is since the 30th Century, it's not totally implausible that Michael could have D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder aka Split Personality Disorder). Trauma can be the cause to many mental ailments.

Currently, I plan on investigating what may be wrong with Michael. Though, I cannot assuredly say that anything is wrong with Michael.

I am about 99% sure that he does have OCD. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). He, on many occasions, corrected my grammar and spelling errors in little mistakes that I placed on paper and or in speech. He also has very weird routines that he conducts daily. He does things people would normally see as odd, but I merely find it quirky.

This is going to be a difficult investigation and this desert is making it a hassle to think.

"What's on your mind, Jennifer?" I sprung out of my daydreaming when I heard his voice.

"Huh? What?"

"You seem to be deep in thought. I was just wondering what you could be thinking about." He questioned. Was he genuinely worried about me? Maybe I should just outrightly ask him.

"Hey, Michael. Do you mind if I ask you a random question?"

"Shoot." He looked at me, speedily responding to my question.

"Do you have murderous thoughts sometimes? Like, do you think about killing people sometimes?"

"Yes. Everyday since my little sister was stabbed and killed in front of my eyes." His answer was clear and definite. Right then and there, I knew what his trauma was and where it stemmed from. Who wouldn't be traumatized by the sight of their sibling being murdered? I empathize, but who am I to put myself in his shoes?

"Have you ever done it? Have you ever… killed?"

"Hmm… Not that I can remember." He rubbed his chin, looking into the distance. The blistering heatwave distorted his face a little, but his answer sounded genuine.

"What makes you ask such a question? Are you investigating me or something, Jen?" He teasingly asked me, ruffling up my hair.

"Of course not, you dummy. I was just curious as to what was going on in that big brain of yours all the time. Plus, I still need to pay you back for kicking me down that hole."

"Still keeping a grudge, I see." He smiled for the first time since before Graham's death as he chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile with him. A simple, blissful smile from him made me happy all of a sudden.

"Hey, you two lovebirds! There's a cave in that mountain over there. I think we should take a break and recover ourselves before continuing." Celeste shouted and waved at us, pointing towards the cave with her free hand.

"Good idea! Go on ahead! We'll be with you in a second!" Michael replied.

"Jennifer." He sternly announced my name, still looking forward.


"A word of advice. When you dig too deep into things you cannot comprehend… you may become insane and incomprehensible yourself." He uttered words that I couldn't understand, turning his head and looking down towards me.

Our eyes met. However, those were not the same eyes I was looking into when he smiled a second ago. These eyes were something else. Something… deadly.

"What do you mean?"

"Stop investigating me." He announced his final statement as he walked faster. He entered the cave.

My soul felt like it left me when he said that. That wasn't Michael… or was it? Am I being delusional?


-Chapter V End-