
Chapter VII: Celeste Wong

Celeste's Perspective.

We've been stuck on this rock for so long, I've stopped counting the number of days. We came upon a massive mountain and reckoned that the ship is most likely at its peak.

To make matters worse, the infection on my arm has began spreading and Michael isn't acting like Michael. I'm acting as though I don't see anything or notice. It's not my business anyway. Jen can handle whatever that is. My focus is just getting to the ship, fixing this arm, and getting off this celestial giant.

I miss home.

"Hey, Celeste! Do you think you can climb this mountain without gear or any technological assistance? I mean… your arm looks pretty bad." Michael shouted from a distance, standing next to Jennifer. He seemed genuinely concerned when he asked the question, but when he made that last comment about my arm… he grinned at me.

"We can find another way up. We just have to look." Jennifer said with a shake in her voice. She was definitely worried about me. Searching for another way up, she began pacing along the mountain, analyzing it. I knew that there was no other way though. Climbing was the only option.

Michael still had that grin on his face. He stared at me. I felt uneasy because of it. He wasn't staring at me inappropriately or anything, but his eyes were just dead. He also never smiled. So, his grin just made it worse.

"Jen! It's okay. I'll be able to climb. Let's just get to the ship." I announced. It was an attempt to calm Jennifer down and to get Michael to lay off with the staring. Luckily, it worked for the latter.

"That's the spirit, Celeste. A true team player and leader you are." He said, chuckling slightly. Well, at least I got him to stop staring at me.

I walked towards the mountain and began looking for places with firm grip to climb. Jennifer was still worried, as always. However, she let me do what I did, nonetheless.

I began climbing. After reaching a certain point, I looked down. Fear settled in, but I wasn't going to show it. That would only start more trouble. So, I invited them to join me.

"Why y'all standing down there like a bunch of mannequins? Come on! Let's get going!" I spoke with confidence as I continued climbing.

Michael howled like a wolf and began climbing. Jennifer followed. And so, the climb began. We were lucky enough to have the sun set after hours upon hours of hiking. It set for the first time since we stepped foot of this planet.

Not going to lie… the sunset was beautiful. A true remarkable sight.

Jennifer's Perspective.

We weren't going to make it. This mountain was too steep. We haven't even climbed that high yet. I'd say we were about 108 meters above sea level. Not that this rock had an ocean to begin with.

Celeste was ahead of us, climbing like a beast on anabolic steroids. She was really determined. It was below me, climbing slowly. He could probably climb faster if he wanted to.

I was weary of him. He hasn't changed after that reveal. Which could be either a great thing or a horrible thing.

Little stones and pebbles fell and tumbled down the mountain as we climbed. We climbed and climbed. After hours upon hours of climbing, the sun rose and settled at a point. It heated the mountain. Luckily, not too hot to touch.

We climbed for about another hour without a break. Celeste ahead of us and myself being slower than a sloth on painkillers. It climbed up next to me, slowing down to my pace.

"Tired?" It asked me with a seemingly friendly smile.

I nodded in response, without making any eye contact. I was still slightly angry.

"Why don't we take a short break?" It said before calling Celeste.

"Hey, Celeste! Let's take five. Wouldn't want to be tired and have to spend a night on the side of a mountain!" It shouted, making gestures to Celeste.

She nodded in agreement, sitting down on a small cliffside edge protruding from the mountain.

I sighed in relief as I reached into my bag for a bottle of water. As I searched, It stuck It's hand out, offering me a bottle of water.

"Thanks. I really need it." I accepted it happily.

It smiled. The sun hit Its face at a perfect angle. You could swear it was a scene straight out of a movie.

"I see you chose the path of resentment. I could not possibly blame you for that. I would just like to tell you that this journey is futile. It has already been done." It looked down as It spoke. The pink clouds passed under us, letting off a slight cool breeze.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

It sighed as It held Its chin. Clearly contemplating whether or not to elaborate.

"You will find out when we reach the top." It turned Its attention back to me as It checked Its GPS.

Seventeen Kilometers To Your Destination

"In seventeen kilometers time exactly." It nodded then resumed climbing. Celeste saw It climbing and followed suit.

Finally, It will reveal what Its talking about.

"Please, Jennifer. Please forgive me. It's all my fault. My hatred caused this massacre. This extermination… this extinction. It's starting to take over me. I don't know how long I have left to be myself. So, please… I'm pleading with you. Please forgive me."

Michael did say that before he turned into… this. Extinction?

Michael's Perspective

You see, Michael? It'll be over very soon, my friend. You will finally get what you have wanted ever since your childhood. Wait, we already did that part. All that is left is these two.

Look, she's climbing up beside us. The other one is quite ahead. If I had to estimate, I would say we would reach the top in about 3 hours if we continue climbing at this pace.

Of course, with this body you molded; we could reach there in half that time.

"Get out of my body. What are you?"

Oh? You can respond? Look at that. Well, you don't remember? You don't remember when you created me?

"Get to the point! Of course, I don't. I just woke up one day and you were in my head."

I see. Allow me to refresh your memory then. Years ago, your younger sister was killed by a drunkard named David Lawrence Kingsley. You do remember that, correct?

"Yes. I poisoned him."

Oh, that's lovely. You think that actually happened. This is what truly occurred on that night. You passed out crying. With hatred, sorrow and ill-will towards this one individual… you birthed me.

I entered the prison. I set up three C-4 explosives within the yard of the prison. I set off those explosives. I killed David.

"What? No. No. That didn't happen. I poisoned him with cyanide. I remember."

I am sorry for bursting your bubble, my friend. However, that is not what happened. And guess what, he was not the only one we killed that night.

We strolled through the entire city that night and killed each and every foster parent that you ever had. Foster home number one up in flames. Foster home number two with a mysterious gas leak. Number three was classified as a group suicide. The list goes on and on.

Before the sun rose at the cusp of dawn that marvelous morning, we had eliminated 19 individuals, including a child.

"Impossible. That's impossible."

Oh, it was supposed to be. We were never caught because police forces were too incompetent. Don't you see, Michael?

"Don't I see what?"

You created me to protect your own sanity. I was your excuse to commit heinous and despicable crimes. You murdered many people after the few I mentioned… or should I say I murdered them.

I was your safe haven. A state of mind or consciousness you created to justify your actions. The last crime we committed might be the worst one. However, I'll let it be a surprise to you.

"What did you do?"

Me? No, no. We. We did this together Michael. Just as we killed Graham.

"You son of a…"

That's enough from you. Let me go finish what we began three years ago. You shall rejoice once you see the spectacle that will lie before our very eyes once I have disposed of these two.

Celeste's Perspective

I looked below myself. I saw Jennifer catching up. Michael was still slacking behind. I checked my GPS.

Eight Kilometers To Your Destination

That was quite a relieving sound to hear after all this climbing. It feels like my arms are going to pop out of their sockets.

At least I would finally get of this planet and get back home. See my family, my friends, watch regular television, snack on unhealthy foods, feel regular gravity, swim in the ocean, watch the news, see useless politics.

Random little things I miss. I could also mourn Gray properly. On Earth.

I wonder what Jennifer and Michael miss. Do they miss the sweet, earthly breeze on a fall morning or the warm, blinding shine of the sun on a spring morning? Do they miss the music? Do they miss the food? Do they miss what I miss?

I am certain that they do miss something or the other. Everyone left something behind they could go back to. Whether it be a person or a pet, they still want to go back, nonetheless.

The wait is nearly at its end, my friends. We all will be able to see our home very soon. I can already envision the deep blue oceans, the full moon on a clear night, the sounds of regular birds, the infrastructure, the green trees, and fields… the beauty of God's Earth.

I am very impatient about it.

Jennifer's Perspective

My hands began forming calluses and blisters from the climbing. We've been climbing for hours. I feel like dying already. Let me check what the GPS says.

Four Kilometers To Your Destination

Thank God! Finally! Just four more kilometers, Jennifer. You have to push through.

Not to mention, It will finally tell you about what the 'extinction' is. Plus, you can finally go back to Earth and see your mom. I really regret signing up for this job. I should have just stayed with Samantha and Chris on Earth and none of this would've happened to me.

That would be pretty selfish of me to say, huh?

Stop overthinking, you dummy! You have bigger things to worry about.

Just keep climbing.

Celeste's Perspective

I can see the top. The edge of my dreams.

Eight-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

Finally! Yes! I shouted in joy as I climbed faster. I was overjoyed to see that top. Jennifer began climbing faster as well. I couldn't see Michael. Maybe he fell too far behind.

I'm sure he'll make it, though. He's probably just resting in a concave or something.

Six-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

Yes, you beautiful GPS. Keep counting down those incredible numbers. Ship, stay where you are. Momma's coming home. I haven't peed for 2 days. I can use a regular toilet.

Five-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

I'm never leaving Earth ever again once I get back. I was dumb to go on this mission in the first place. Gray would've stayed if I stayed and he still would've been alive.

Four-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

My hands are bleeding, but I don't care. The pain is like a feeling of joy. Joy to be a human. To be in this very moment is a blessing. I am so ecstatic.

Three-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

Three-Hundred meters feel like forever in this moment. Come on, hurry up. I climbed faster.

"Celeste! Slow down!" Jennifer shouted jokingly.

"I gotta go pee! I can't!" I responded with my own joke. We could finally joke around.

Two-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

We chuckled and giggled like little girls as she caught up to me. We climbed faster together as though we were running for food. Our joyful sounds echoed through the air.

One-Hundred Meters To Your Destination

We're almost there. I can taste it. I can feel it. I can see it. Our ship.

Ten Meters To Your Destination

I grabbed onto the ledge, pulling myself over. I laid on the ground, out of breath. Jennifer pulled herself over and did the same. She laid next to me. We looked over to each other and let out exasperated sighs.

Michael appeared above us, looking down at us. He smiled brightly, handing us each a small bottle of water and a sandwich.

"Well done, guys. You must be hungry and thirsty." We both sat up and took the sandwich and water with happy smiles.

I looked around. I couldn't see the ship.

"Where's the ship?"

"It's around that corner over there." He announced, pointing towards the golden brown, rocky corner that reflected the sun's glow.

"Great!" I looked at him as he nodded, blissfully so.

Wait a minute…

"Michael. How'd you get up here before us? You were behind us both."

He looked at me with an odd grinny smile. Jennifer listened, sitting next to me.

"I climbed faster and took a different path up. You two were too slow for me." He replied with a chuckle. A cocky bastard, isn't he?

"I see."

"I poured some hot water in the bath of the ship for myself, but if any of you want to take over, you are welcome to do so." He said, pointing in the direction of the ship with his right thumb, over his shoulder.

Jennifer immediately stood up, sandwich and bottled water in hand, rushing towards the ship.

"I need that bath. See you two in a few minutes." She said hurriedly as she turned the corner.

I laughed happily. At last, we could go home. I ate my sandwich and drank my water.

After a few minutes, Michael turned to me.

"Hey, Celeste. Mind if I have a word with you over there? I need to discuss something with you." He requested humbly, directing me in the opposite direction of the ship.

"What about?"

"It's about our voyage back." He said.

I nodded and followed him to where he directed me.

-Chapter VI End-