

Emptiness along with beauty flew passed the speeding spacecraft as Michael rested his eyes whilst sitting in the pilot's seat. Stars, planets, moons, galaxies, and all that is the universe shone each their own individual light that demonstrated their elegance.

  You Have Reached Your Destination. Welcome Home, Michael.

Michael opened his eyes with a restful sigh. He stood up, placing the ship into Earth's orbit. He put on his spacesuit and helmet, opening the hatch. RED.

All he saw when he looked to earth was red. Hellfire, magma, and death is all he could lay his eyes on. A small smile grew on his face, before he began laughing maniacally.

 "I did it. It is done. I can't believe it." He jumped out of the craft, gazing on what he called his work.

The moon shone a light on him as it created a shadow figure of himself resting on the spacecraft. Tears enveloped and fell from his eyes.

Jennifer, back on Planet Alpha, managed to find alien-animal life that she could use to sustain herself, as well as plant-life. She would live on Planet Alpha until she naturally died of old age. And with her, the human race.

Ever since the beginning of time, humans knew growth, love, and advancement of their own race. Peace and wonder were what they pursued. They knew the difference between good and evil.


That all changed at some point. As time passed, the human race became desensitized to what good and evil really was. 

To them, good became evil and evil became good. This brought chaos and harm to themselves and the planet they were birthed on.

During the twenty-first century, which was said to be the century of human advancement, evil grew like weeds in a garden. There were forty million slaves worldwide, in a century when slavery was against human rights. Half of which were sex slaves.

Men became women and women became men. Women fought for rights that they did not even understand, creating a barrier between the two genders. And as each century passed, distance and disruption grew between people. There was no unity.

Overpopulation came and so… the Earth decided to cleanse itself. The extinction of everything. This was Michael's plan. To eradicate the human race completely.

After all, if they could not even look after one planet, how could they look after another? It would have been nothing but and endless cycle of destruction, colonization, and chaos. 

In a time where humans hated each other because of their differences. Because of race, skin color, gender, sexuality, etc. Eventually, humans created more things to hate each other for, like the differences in their way of life.

And so, Michael decided to end it. If they could not control and managed their sentience responsibly, then they did not deserve to have it.

The Earth cleansed itself. 

And so, this brings us to the end of the story of Michael Forrest and the human race.

Michael watched the Earth burn one last time with joy gleaming from his face. He chuckled and laughed as memories flooded his head, good and bad. He looked back on his life and saw nothing but a fulfilled purpose.

He took off his helmet as the vacuum of space sucked out all the air from his body, his head freezing from the cold. He died with a happy, thrilled smile on his face.

From Stuck… to Free...

-"Stuck..." ENDS-

-To Be Continued...-

Final Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this little story of mine. I had this idea in the year 2021. I thought about how mental illness could affect the thought process of a traumatized person. How hatred and unforgiveness eats at one's spirit and soul, and how, eventually, it will lead to their own demise. This demise, however, brings them peace in a demonic way.

A manner that is harmful to themselves and others. Along with a mindset that makes them believe that they are in the right.

This mixture only brings chaos and destruction to everything.

That being said, sympathy plays a significant role in handling a person like that. Jennifer, for example, had tremendous sympathy for Michael, and so did Graham. 

However, Michael did not want Graham's sympathy. He only wanted Jennifer's because she reminded him of his little sister, who was the center of his trauma.

All-in-all, I hope every soul who read this short story learnt a lesson or two from it.


Thank you all. 

Stay Frosty.

Welcome to The "What is Humanity?" Lore. A collection of tales, spanning over the course of a thousand two-hundred and eighteen years, which questions the very fabric and definition of being human.

Join me to see how it all unfolds and how this philosophical question is answered.

LL Enigma.

-Lapis L. Lazuli

Final Author's Note End.