It has only been a week since the world around me glitched, yet I haven't made any progress. I'm not sure how to get to a higher level. I feel stuck at level 1. If it was easy everybody would do it.

I've been looking around at a bunch of different tutorials online to get stronger but all of them consist of asking your parents for help. Asking your parents for a little session of grind experience, as they call it.

It seems that the only way to get stronger is to already be strong.

I hate the system.

You can only safely get stronger by being born into a strong family.

But. I. Don't. Think. That's. The. Truth.

I feel like there is a way. That I can get stronger. No. I need to get stronger. I need to break the system. I need to be the strongest in the world.

But it is too dangerous to try to get level 1 by myself. I'll need to get carried to level 2.

I could find a guild. I've heard that they do help out lower levels become stronger. If only I had contact with some guilds.

If my parents could have been in a guild, things would be different for me.

Wait... maybe Mr. Jaxon knows someone in a guild. Maybe he could refer me. That's my only hope. I'll go see him ASAP.

Maybe he even could help me get to a higher level. Carry me through a couple of early dungeons. He always seemed to like me. I know he will do it.

- I cannot help you, Leon

Those words that came out of Mr. Jaxon's mouth broke me. It felt like the only way out of being a level less and it was broken out of me. I would always be stuck at level 1. That's my destiny, I guess.

- Mr. Jaxon, I understand but could you maybe refer me to a guild?

- I'm not sure that I'll be of any help in that endeavor but I knew a guy in school. Now he runs a guild in the city. I'll at least help you get into their guild house. The rest is up to you.

- Thank you so much, Mr. Jaxon.

- I hope that it's not an indiscreet question, but why do you want so badly to gain levels? Aren't you happy with the life that you have?

- It's just. It might be fun to be able to explore the dungeons and everywhere else. I would also love to visit other cities. Being an adventurer would be cool.

I couldn't be honest with him. It's not that I think he's a bad guy but I'm trying to start a rebellion. That's not the type of thing you broadcast to others. I need to really be quiet about it. Keep it under wraps. I could get killed if the wrong person heard about it.

It's not also like I lied to him. I would love to explore other cities. I haven't been to my hometown since the Nexus Genesis. The moment it happened everybody was transported here. The starting zone city. Everybody. I miss the fields. I miss the air. I miss the lack of people. I was only a child when the Nexus Genesis happened but it still feels like yesterday when I was running carefree in the fields.

A lot of people have tried to get out by gaining levels and were successful but a lot more died a gruesome death. That's the gamble you take with your life when you try to get out of the city. Money and fame or death. Death is a lot more common.

I did get an audience with the guild leader whom Mr. Jaxon talked to me about. This could be promising. It's the start of my incredible journey. The start of my legacy.

The time between my conversations with Mr. Jaxon and the meeting with the guild leader passed by so quickly. Without knowing it, it was already time for my audience.

There it was. A tower like no other. The most prominent tower in the whole starting city. Mr. Jaxon did not only refer me to a guild, he referred me to the biggest one in town. The Holy Dignity. Truly the humblest and the greatest warriors in all of the starting areas.

I couldn't get myself to even open the door. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. I was wearing only a T-shirt and some jeans while everybody inside was wearing some beautiful and detailed white armor. The tower itself projected respect and integrity. While being white like an angel wings. On the top of the tower was a knight in armor with a shield protecting children.

I felt like, if one guild would be willing to help it would be the Holy Dignity.

I finally, after a couple of minutes of standing there in front of the door, opened the door and entered.

The interior was reminiscent of some old cathedral but everything felt new. Not just felt. Everything was new. The walls and floor were shiny with how clean they were.

- Can I help you? Said a receptionist.

- Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Samuel.

- Perfect, you can take the elevator right there to the 46th floor.

Everything felt perfect, yet I couldn't shake a bad feeling in my gut. Like something was off. I might be just a little too paranoid but the necklace on the receptionist felt somewhat too big on her neck. It looked like it wouldn't be comfortable at all. At the same time, I am the farthest thing from a fashionista. Maybe that was the new trendy way of dressing.

I did take the elevator. It probably was a magical elevator because it took only 10 seconds to get to the 46th floor. When the doors opened my gut felt tighter than before. I felt like I was in danger. The ominous energy was palpable.

Nothing felt different about the look of the floor. But I did feel different. I needed to get over it, if I wanted to join the guild. I composed myself and continued.

After a quick chat with another receptionist, I was led down a corridor to the leader's office.

- Take a seat, my child.

I sat in a chair right in front of Mr. Samuel the Holy Dignity leader. The one that could help me jumpstart my revolution. The feeling in my gut disappeared and was replaced with excitement. My new life starts right here. Right now. The way I interact with him, his going to change my life.

- Thank you, for receiving me. It's an honor to be in the presence of such a strong warrior.

- No need to thank me. Thank Jaxon. He's the one who convinced me. Telling me about how great of a student you were and praising your intelligence.

- That's great to hear.

- I do not have much time, child. So tell me your request.

It felt like everything moved slowly around me. I knew that everything I wanted to accomplish would be possible or not depending on how I handled the situation. How much I could convince him of letting me in his guild?

Looking at him and his armor, it dawned on me that he could easily kill me. That if I offended him by my request he could just chop my head off. That didn't help make the first word come out of my mouth.

Before I could be quiet for too long, I remembered the glitch. I remembered the way my father is treated at his job. I remembered that my mom and sister can't go out at night. I remembered the oppressive system. I remembered how it was before. I remembered why I needed to do it. Why I needed to get stronger. Because I need to kill Collossus and the system.

- I need to get stronger to protect everyone around me. I would love it if the Holy Dignity could help me in that quest.

I said it. I had the courage of asking something so big to such a powerful man.

- What is there for us to gain in helping you?

His answer surprised me. His whole demeanor changed. He felt cruel. Like I was just an object to him. My gut was right. I shouldn't have come.

- Are you going to pay? He continued in his statements.

- I am poor but I can repay you after I become stronger. I promise that I will.

- Do you have a family?

- Why?

- Answer my question!

He punched the table in front of him. I could sense the anger coming from his direction. I could not lie to someone that strong.

- Yes, I do. I have a father, a mother, and a sister.

- Perfect.

- Perfect?

- If you get us your mother and your sister, we can make you stronger.

That's the ominous feeling I had. The necklaces that the receptionists wear aren't fashion statements. They are all slaves. It's a collar to make them obey. How could I not see it sooner? Why the hell would a strong guild be in the starting zone? To protect the innocent? Bullshit, they are only here for easy prey. I was so naive to believe in their marketing.

- Is there a problem with my offer? What if I promise we won't use your sister too much? Just a little bit.

What the fuck, did he say to me! I want to kill him right now. What a big piece of shit. He's a monster.

But I can't do anything about it. I'm too weak. I can't do anything to him. I can't do anything.

I need to breathe. I need to find my composure back. Breathe. Breathe.

- I'll have to pass on your offer. My sister and mother value more in a trade than what you are implying. I feel offended by your offer.

The words coming out of my mouth made me want to puke. But my brain couldn't see another way to get out of this situation. I left the building without looking back.

One thing clicked inside of my mind while I was leaving the hall. If the system is so corrupt and inhumane, I cannot let it consume me. I cannot become inhumane like the holy dignity.

I need to do it by myself. I need to become stronger without any help from the system. It's going to be dangerous. I could die even attempting it. I probably will die from trying. But I won't make it by selling my sister and my mother. I just won't. I won't sell friends or whatever.

If I want to become stronger, I have to be willing to die for it.

I'm ready to die for it.