
Isabella point of view

"ISABELLA! YOU HAVE TO RUN AWAY NOW!" I heard my mom scream as she burst open the wooden doors to my room. At first I was shocked and taken aback by the fact that my mom just blew down my door and barged in without knocking, usually she is always calm and collected but right now she was anything but calm and collected--she was in a state of sheer panic.

In an instant, I could discern the urgency in her voice, I understood it had to do with the chaos that has been emanating through the floorboards of our coven. I have been awake in silence for some time now, hearing the ruckus and commotion that exuded from outside the four corners of my room walls. Screams, cries and wails were erupting from the place I grew up to call my home. Voices I could identify were in pain.