Where the fuck am I?

Isabella's Point Of View 

Midnight finally came by, I was up in my chambers, I didn't really want to get out and join the pack in their activities today, not after what I had witnessed early this morning.

Saerah was real, she had to be. My mind couldn't be making all this stuff up. But according to Lance, there was no one that fit Saerah's description in the pack. I even asked Gemini to confirm if I had gone completely crazy this time, she also confirmed what Lance had said, there was no one named Saerah in the pack. Maybe I had gone crazy this time.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door, then a folded piece of paper slid in from under the door.

I quickly went over to the door to see who it was, on opening the door, I discovered that there was no one there. The hallways were completely empty. I picked up the sheet of paper tossed in, and a message was written on it.