Good Bye

"Okay, I am going to check outside to see what the situation is there, and then I will come back," Leo said. She nodded.

He went out and started racking his brain. He had been avoiding her which might have made her this distant to him, but it didn't explain why she was very unresponsive to him. Normally she was very cheerful, but she seemed very gloomy today.

He went to the inn like he normally did and checked the situation out. When he got there, the inn was almost deserted. There was nobody there. He walked in and saw Miller cleaning up the inn as if he was closing up. Miller saw him and smiled.

"Hello Leo, did you hear? The city is now under lockdown. We are now preparing for the Beast Wave," Miller said.

Leo sighed. He had expected this, but now what Miller said confirmed it.

"I just wanted to know. Thanks, Miller," Leo said. He turned back.