
After meeting the two, he leisurely went back to his house. On the way back, he gave it a deeper thought. What did he want to do for the future?

He didn't want to stay in Solhaven for long because it just had bad memories left for him. All he remembered was the amount of grimy work he had to do just to stay alive. At least he had Daphne accompanying him to make it worth it, but now she was gone too. With that, there wasn't anything holding him back in the city.

Along with that, he needed some friends in his life. Having no social interaction sometimes made his life unbearable. He wanted to actually talk to people his age and make friends that he could enjoy with. He had none of that here at Solhaven.

He got back to his house and laid on his bed. He liked the idea of finally leaving the city he was in and exploring the bigger world outside. He thought about it and decided. He would go to Eldridge and join an Aura Knight Academy there.