
Leo quickly went back to his dorm. He had to check if he got a letter telling him about the challenge. He walked back to his dorm ignoring the stares pointed his way.

When he got back to his room, he saw that there was a letter on the doorstep. He picked it up and went inside. He opened it up to see who it was from. When he saw that it was from the point shop, he knew what the letter was.

He opened it up to see what was written in it.

[Challenge Accepted]

[Your Challenge was accepted by Remus Eldridge. Your fight will be conducted on 17th September at 10 AM. Please be at the fight 1 hour before. If you are not at the fight at the starting time, you will be forfeiting your challenge and cannot challenge another person for 1 month.]

Three days later, a third of the school was crowding the arenas. All of them were roaring with excitement just to watch a single fight.