Abusive Uncle and New Adopted Mother

I am a bit of a loner who's really into video games, especially dating sims.

But everything in my life changed when I met a girl in the second year of high school.

This girl inspired me to step away from my video games, to go out with my friends and enjoy life with them. Later on, I started noticing signs that this girl might be seeing me as more than just a friend.

So, saying goodbye to all those days filled with dating sims, I decided to confess my feelings to her at the end of summer break, when we planned to watch the fireworks together.

As I was walking home one day, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, I am in excruciating pain.


[Gift Activated]




While I was still confused, I started to feel a pain that ran through my stomach, with tears blurring my vision, they rolled down my cheek, but I could still see a burly man looking over me.

He's swaying around, clearly drunk, but then his leg kicks my stomach, causing another rush of pain through my body.

What is this?

"Stop," a weak plea manages to come out of my mouth.

"Stop? What do you think huh, a waste and worthless baggage like you have the right to say?" he slurs in a drunken state, kicking me again.

"Aahh," I cry out and struggle to breathe as it becomes shallow.

Please stop it, just make it stop. I don't want to feel any more of this pain.

[Lean to the left side after 3 seconds].

I hear a voice and without understanding why, I follow its command and lean to the left after three seconds.

The next moment, I hear a thumping sound beside me while the burly man lets out a grunt in pain.

"How dare you move away? You little bastard."

[Lay down and then move ahead]

Just as the voice instructed, I crawled and once again I heard the burly man grunt in pain.

I understand that he is still trying to kick me, but because I am lying down, his kick misses me and hits the wall.

[Get up and run as fast as you can to the door. Leave the house within five seconds. If you can't do it, run to the kitchen.]

Despite the tremendous pain in my stomach, I followed the voice knowing well that I had to leave this house or the only thing that awaited me was more pain.

I get up, look around the room to find the door and run towards it nonstop.

Behind me, I hear the burly man yelling, "Stop!" and then hear another loud noise.

I knew he must have fallen, but I didn't have time to check and kept running until I was out of the house.

[Go to the next door, press the intercom, and ask them to call the police]

Just as it said, I ran next door, pressed the intercom, and knocked on the door.

A few moments later, the door opens to reveal a beautiful middle-aged woman with warm and compassionate eyes and a welcoming smile, but the smile on her face freezes as she looks up and down at me.

"Are you okay?" she asks, concern evident in her voice.

Still struggling to gasp for breath, I manage to reply, "I... I need help. Please, can you call the police?"

After this, things get a bit hectic. After the police arrive, the burly man gets arrested, and they decide that I will be transferred to an orphanage.

I didn't understand what was happening, but the voice in my head told me to ask the authorities to let me stay with the lovely, kind lady who had helped me call the police.

Thankfully, the lovely lady also agrees to adopt me, and my life takes an unexpected turn.

I was in a room with somewhat girlish decor, but that was the least of my concerns while I stared at a mirror, finding it hard to digest the fact that it was my reflection.

I became a kid, really? This kid-like face, baby fat on my face, is a stark contrast to what I remember of my body, leaving me in utter shock.

"I have become a kid, wait a minute... isn't this like a novel? I don't know, but I think I died in my last world, and now I'm in this new world, but then... well... I don't have any memories from this body at all."

At least, I knew of a few things, like the burly man attacking me was the last relative I had in this world, something I overheard from the policemen.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thanks to some mysterious voice, at least I am free from my uncle, and somehow, I have now ended up with a kind lady who will be my mother.

Although there are still many things that need to be done before the kind lady will become my mother, I hope that she will be nothing like my uncle.

Pushing aside those worries for the time being, I remind myself that I need to learn about my current situation. Being brought into this world without any memories of it is undeniably tough.