Porno Magazine

"Are you saying Akechi Ryuki is your little brother?" Rena asked loudly, her voice bouncing around the classroom.

Her question caught the attention of their classmates. Realizing she'd drawn every eye, Rena turned and gave a quick apology to the room. Then she faced Saki again, her expression confused.

"Do you know my little brother?" Saki asked.

"No, I don't," Rena said, shaking her head. Thinking fast, she added, "It's just surprising to see siblings with different surnames. Yeah, it's surprising."

Her excuse was weak, but Saki, still young and trusting, accepted it. After that, Rena hit Saki with a bunch of questions, mostly about Ryuki.

As she asked more and more, Rena realized this world wasn't exactly like the game she knew. The characters matched, but the details were off. The big difference? Akechi Ryuki was now Saki's little brother.

How did this happen? Rena wondered, struggling to figure it out. Someone else reincarnated here too, as Ryuki. Damn, this is going to be a mess, she thought.

School ended, and as Saki and Asuka got ready to leave, Rena spoke up. "Why don't you two come with me?" she suggested.

She needed to meet Ryuki to sort this out.


"Why do you like this?" Ryuki asked.

"Why not? I don't care about guy stuff. I like women, so why would I buy something meant for guys?" Yuta replied.

"Fair enough," Ryuki said. He glanced at the magazine Yuta held. It showed two naked women lying on each other, their bodies pressed close, touching each other's breasts and kissing.

Yuta loved these magazines, and honestly, Ryuki did too. Since he couldn't bring them home, he'd asked Yuta to sneak one to school. Their one-room apartment had no hiding spots, and if Saki found it, she'd spiral into one of her dark moods.

"Where'd you get it?" Ryuki asked.

"Okay, it's a secret, but since you're my best friend, I'll tell you," Yuta whispered, leaning in. "There's this older girl—Onee-san—who gives them to me. She teases me a lot too."

Ryuki looked at Yuta, whose face was red as a tomato. He hadn't expected this from Yuta. Poor guy's being targeted by some predatory girl, Ryuki thought. "Can I meet this Onee-san?" he asked.

It was important. He needed to check her out to make sure Yuta didn't get into trouble. This was for his friend's sake—nothing else, of course.

"I'll ask her if it's okay. Then I'll take you to her place. She makes awesome cookies," Yuta said with a grin.

Does she lace them with something weird? Ryuki wanted to ask, but he held back. Yuta was too innocent to get the joke.


"Let's go home," Ryuki said.

"Yeah, let's go," Yuta agreed. They slung their bags over their shoulders. Their last class had no teacher, so they'd spent it flipping through the magazine.

As they walked down the hall, Ryuki warned, "Don't let your sister find this. If she does, I'll fry you. Got it?"

"No way I'd let her see it. She already hates me. If she found this…" Yuta trailed off, shaking his head.

He didn't know Asuka didn't hate him—she loved him. Ryuki couldn't figure out why her actions and feelings were so mismatched. As long as she stayed in the dark about the magazine, they'd be fine. If she found out, though, it'd be a disaster. Ryuki shook his head, and they headed toward Saki and Asuka's classroom.

When they got there, Ryuki spotted Saki and Asuka with another girl. She was stunning—too beautiful to be just a random kid. She didn't fit with the main heroines or sub-heroines. Who was she, and why was she with them?

"Hey, little bro, meet my new friend, Kimiru Rena," Saki said, beaming.

Ryuki locked eyes with Rena. She stared back, her gaze sharp and intense. "Ever heard of a game called Scumbag of Depressing Game?" she asked him.

Ryuki blinked, then nodded once. "Yeah, but I didn't like it. Anyway, I'm Akechi Ryuki, and this is Takeru Yuta."

"What game? Why bring up a game now?" Saki asked, confused.

"Oh, just a random thought. I say weird stuff sometimes—don't mind it," Rena said with a laugh, brushing it off.

"What game is this?" Yuta whispered in Ryuki's ear.

Ryuki glanced at him. Should he say it's a game where Yuta gets cuckolded? Nope. "Just a boring game. Nothing special," he said, waving it off.

"Which way's your house?" Asuka asked Rena.

Rena gave directions—her place was on the same route as Ryuki's and Yuta's. After reaching home, Ryuki checked a note Rena had slipped into his hand without anyone noticing.

[Meet me at the convenience store near the park.]