Porno Magazine

"Are you saying that Akechi Ryuki is your little brother?" Rena asks aloud, her question echoing throughout the class.

This attracts a lot of attention from the other classmates.

Realizing that she had become the center of attention, Rena turns and offers a quick apology to all of her classmates before turning back to Saki, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Do you know my little brother?" Saki asks.

"No, I don't," Rena shakes her head and then thinking of a way out she continues, "It's surprising to see siblings with different surnames. Yeah, it's surprising," Rena says.

Although this excuse is too poor, for Saki, who is still too young, accepts it. After that, Rena bombards Saki with many questions, most of them revolving around Ryuki.

After a string of inquiries and questions, Rena realizes that this world isn't quite the same as the game she played. While the characters may be the same, the circumstances differ slightly.

The discrepancy arises from Akechi Ryuki becoming Saki's little brother.

'How did this happen?' Rena ponders, struggling to comprehend.

'Like me, someone else also got reincarnated, but as Ryuki... Fuck, this is going to be troublesome," Rena thought to herself.

As the school concludes and Saki, along with Asuka prepares to head home, Rena suggests them to accompany her.

'I need to meet Ryuki to make sense of all of this,' Rena decides.


"Why did you like this?" I inquire.

"Why shouldn't I? I don't like looking at guy things. I like women, so why would I buy something that's meant for a guy?" Yuta says.

"Fair point," I concede and look at the magazine, which has two women lying on each other. Both of the women are naked, and not only are their bodies pressed together, they are also touching each other's breasts and kissing.

Yuta enjoys seeing these types of magazines, and truth be told, so do I. And since I also like them, I asked him to bring one to school since I can't take it home.

As you know, my home only has one room and a bathroom. There is no place to hide these things and not just that, but if Saki were to see any of this, she would go into one of her dark phases.

"By the way, where did you get this?" I inquire.

"Um... Okay, this is a secret, but since you're my best friend, I'll tell you," Yuta whispers, and then he leans closer, "There is this... Onee-san who gives me... And she... She also teases me a lot."

I peer at Yuta, his face flushed red like a tomato. I didn't expect something like this from Yuta, but I know... Yuta, this fellow is being targeted by a hungry girl. Pity you.

"Well... Can you... I mean, can I also meet that Onee-san?" I ask. Well, meeting that Onee-san is crucial.

I have to see her and check on her so that my one and only friend doesn't get himself in trouble. Yes, this is for Yuta, and not like I have anything else in my mind.

"I... I'll ask her if it's okay, and then I'll take you to her home. You know, she makes really good cookies," Yuta says with a grin.

'Does she mix her love juice in the cookies?' That's what I wanted to ask, but I didn't... knowing that Yuta is still young and wouldn't understand this.


"Let's go home," I say.

"Yes, let's go," Yuta agrees, and we both sling our bags over our shoulders. There was no teacher in our last class today, hence we are looking at the naked woman in the magazine.

As the two of us stroll down the corridor, I issue with a stern warning, "Don't ever let your sister find this. If she does, I will fry you. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, no way in hell I want her to find this. She already hates me. If she finds this..." Yuta's voice trails off and he doesn't say anything.

He doesn't know that his sister doesn't hate him but loves him. Sometimes, it's hard to fathom why Asuka's thoughts and actions are so at odds.

Well, as long as she remains oblivious to this, everything will be fine and we won't be in trouble. But if she does, then it will be a huge problem. I shake my head, and the two of us approach Saki and Asuka's class.

But as we find Saki and Asuka, I notice a girl beside the two. She is beautiful... A beauty that I didn't expect to encounter outside the realm of the main heroine and sub-heroine characters.

What's she doing with Saki and Asuka, and who is she?

"Hey, little bro, meet my new friend, Kimiru Rena," Saki introduces her new friend with enthusiasm.

I look at this girl while she gazes back at me. Wait, why is she looking at me with such intense eyes?

"Ever heard of a game called Scumbag of Depressing Game?" Rena asks me.

I blink my eyes and then give a single nod, "I have, but I didn't like it. Anyway, I'm Akechi Ryuki, and he is Takeru Yuta."

"What game? And why are you talking about a game right now?" Saki asks, quite confused.

"Oh... It's just a thought that came to mind. Well, sometimes I just think and ask weird questions, so don't mind that." Rena laughs as she shakes her head.

"What game is this?" Yuta asks while whispering into my ear.

I look at him and consider whether I should tell him that this game is about cuckolding him. Nah, I better not.

"Just a boring game, nothing important," I say, waving it off.

"Which way is your house?" Asuka asks Rena.

Rena gives us her house's directions, which coincidentally are the same as mine and Yuta's.

After I reached home, I discreetly checked the paper that Rena had slipped into my hand without letting anyone notice.

[Meet me at the convenience store near the park.]