Drunken Man

I check and, once I confirm that my mother and sister are sleeping, I get up and dress up.

Afterward, I silently open the door and leave the house.

As I gaze outside, I see the moon hanging beautifully in the sky, and the stars are twinkling brightly.

I begin to walk in the night where I can't see anyone. It feels strange yet somehow exciting. As I walk along this quiet street, I encounter a drunk man dragging a young girl by the wrist. The young girl is trying her best to resist, and I can't see their faces clearly due to the darkness.

Looking around, I notice several stones lying nearby. I pick them up and throw one at the drunk man's head. It hits him perfectly, though it doesn't knock him out. However, the young girl takes the opportunity to kick him between the legs, and then she runs toward me.

As she approaches, I can see her face clearly, and it's Rena.

"Let's get out of this place. That drunken guy wanted to rape me. If the laws weren't so strict, I'd want to kill him right now," Rena says, taking deep breaths.

"Really?" I ask in a shocked voice. Yeah, this is the world of ero game, sure in this world most men might be like this. I have to be extra careful.

"First, let's get away from here," she says, regaining her breath.

"Okay, but wait a moment," I tell her, collecting some larger rocks that I can throw, one after another, at the drunk man who's still holding onto his crotch.

"He hasn't seen my face, and he won't try to find you or tell anyone. So, why not get some revenge?" I suggest to Rena with a smile as I throw another rock at the drunk man.

He starts bleeding from his head, right where I was aiming. It's a good thing he's bleeding; otherwise, I might have thrown more rocks.

"By the way, why are you here? Didn't we decide to meet at the park?" I ask as we run away from the scene.

"In the park, I saw many homeless guys, the ones who raped Ruby when she ran away from home. So, I thought of heading in your direction, hoping to meet you."

"Ah, those homeless guys. Let's deal with them too. I was planning on doing that anyway. By the way, do you want to take care of the drunk guy? With my ability, we won't get caught by the police," I casually mention.

"Leave the drunk guy, but take care of the homeless guys. First, let's disable the brakes of Ruby's father's car. Then, we'll take a photo of my father's affair."

The two of us walk away from the drunk man, returning to a normal pace.

"Hmm," I nod in agreement. Then, we head to Ruby's house. Upon arrival, we look around to ensure no one is present. I then ask my ability.

'How can I eliminate Ruby's father without getting caught by the police?'

[Mix orange juice in his beer tomorrow evening when he leaves his beer outside the door, at 6:34 PM.]

I furrow my brow, wondering why this instruction has changed. Not long ago, it was suggesting that I should damage Ruby's father's car. Something seems off.

I recall what I did from the start. I quietly exit the house without alerting my mother and sister, meeting up with Rena on our way to Ruby's house. Fortunately, we don't encounter anyone along the way.

Oh, right. I forgot about that drunk man. Because of him, damaging the brakes isn't the fastest way to eliminate Ruby's father. He will only die if he uses his car tomorrow, but now it seems he isn't going to use his car tomorrow or he won't drive at fast speed. So, he won't die tomorrow, but I believe it's still best to sabotage the brakes. Though he might not die tomorrow, he will eventually.

Before I do that, I decide to double-check with my ability.

[Go to Rain Park.]

I furrow my brow; I'm not sure what's in Rain Park, but whenever an ideal time passes, my gift tells me to go there. I can only guess that something in Rain Park can reverse time.

But that's not crucial right now. What matters is that if I do anything to Ruby's father's car, someone will catch me. But why?

I glance around and widen my eyes as I notice a fat, ugly man. He's staring down at us—no, I'm mistaken. He's focused on Rena.

Damn, just encountering that drunk man has brought about this change. According to my ability, this fat, ugly man should be in his room, not watching us.

I shake my head.

"What have you been doing? Let's leave this place. That creepy guy is making me uncomfortable," Rena says. She realizes that today's plan has failed.

"Okay," I nod to her. What mistakes did I make? This whole situation changed because of that drunken man. Why did I encounter a drunken man? Because of Rena.

So it's my fault. Last time, I asked for advice on how to kill Ruby's father without being caught by the police. The answer I got was to tamper with Ruby's father's car brake at 1:4 AM.

The answer was to tamper with the brake. It didn't say anything about meeting up with Rena or even telling Rena about this, but I did, which resulted in this situation.

"Again? What are you thinking? Let's go," I hear Rena's voice and see that she is already ten steps ahead of me.

"Yeah," I say and lift my feet to take the first step and hear,

"Onii-Chan? Why are you here?"