Milf Takeru Michiko

Although I don't want to leave Ruby in this abandoned house, I have to leave. If my mother and sister wake up before going back home, then it is going to be hard to explain.

I hope Rena comes here quickly. Well, I could only hope.

I left Ruby behind, the abandoned house and my house wasn't too far so in five minutes I got back to my house. I opened the door and entered inside without making a noise.

Then I slipped off my clothes since I wasn't wearing any clothes when I went to sleep. After taking off my clothes, I slipped into bed, and soon sleepiness attacked me.

"Hey, hey, wake up, wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Saki shaking my body. I want to sleep, just five minutes more.

"Let me sleep a little bit more," I said and pulled the blanket over me, but Saki pulled the blanket away and shook my body. Now I understand how my older sister felt when I woke her up even though she wanted to sleep.

After that, obviously, I couldn't sleep and had to bathe with her and mother, and then I also had to get ready for school.

"You said, in the morning you go jogging, right? So how about I come with you today."

Yeah, I did say that. I'm kind of surprised that they believed. I know they will believe whatever nonsense I will say as they don't understand what lying is, but well, I have to be careful. When they grow up, it's difficult to lie.

"Let's go to Asuka and Yuta house, stay there until it's time for school, then four of us will go together."

"Really? You don't want to go jogging?"

"No, I don't, so let's go," I told her, and then we reached outside Yuta and Asuka's house.

I pressed the bell, and a beautiful woman opened the door after a while.

The woman was beautiful, with black eyes underneath her black-framed glasses. The thin frames accentuated the gentle curve of her eyebrows. Wisps of black hair are neatly tied in a bun at the nape of her neck, with a touch of elegance.

Glistening in the sunlight, a pair of delicate silver hoop earrings dangle from her ears. The soft curve of her earlobes holds a subtle charm. Her lips carry a natural, soft hue that complements her fair complexion. They curve into a warm smile.

The white pantsuit she wears is tailored to perfection, accentuating her figure without being revealing. The jacket hints at a well-defined waist, while the trousers flow elegantly down her long legs, pooling slightly over her shoes.

She is Takeru Michiko, Takeru Yuta, and Asuka's mother, and a businesswoman. She isn't a heroine or sub-heroine but plays a little role in the game. She is kind of an extra heroine.

It only appeared in Asuka's bad ending route. Where Asuka drugged her own mother, and Ryuki filmed an Adult Video of him and Michiko, blackmailing Asuka's mother with that video and gaining a lot of money from Michiko.

If a player chooses Asuka's sole bad ending route, then Asuka will kill herself, and Michiko will kill Ryuki, and then she will kill herself.

If player choice led them to Asuka's sole bad endings, then Michiko would appear in the game, otherwise, she won't.

"Saki-chan, Ryuki-kun, come inside," Michiko invited us inside the house.

I look at Michiko's body and then remember the photo of her from the game. I have to say, she is beautiful, as is shown in the game.

"Welcome in my room," Yuta, with a grand bow, spoke in a dramatic voice.

"Just go away and let me sleep for a while, I stayed awake the whole night, so let me have a bit of good sleep before going to school," I ignored him and fell on the bed.

Well, it's been three years since the last time I slept on the bed; I just forget how good and soft the bed feels.

As I'm sinking into sleepland, I am awake by Saki's noise.

"Oye, little brother... why are sleeping?" Saki shouted and pulled me away from the soft bed.

Bed, my lover, don't separate me from my lover, your damn villainess.

"What are you two doing here? This is Yuta's room, right?" Sleepily, I ask.

"Of course it's my room," Yuta nods his head.

"Little brother, we came here to play," Saki was full of excitement.

"So just you three play among yourself, let me sleep for a while, I didn't sleep well at night."

"No, play with us."

"Yes, yes, it isn't fun without you."

"Hm... Saki, Yuta... let him sleep, he seems tired." Asuka says and tries to calm down those two.

"Thank you Asuka," Then I fell on the bed.

"What is this, i wanted to play with him," Saki loudly says

"I also want to play."

"Geez, brother he is you're best friend, can't you see he is tired, and your big sister, so you should care about him." Asuka loudly says.

"But he slept very well last night,"

"We boys are okay without sleeping for one or two days."

"You two can't see, he looks tried."

I want to sleep. Please, if you three want to argue, then do it somewhere else. Fuck... I can't sleep when they are arguing so loudly.

"Yuta, Asuka, I'm going away for work, there is breakfast for four of you, eat that and go school."

I heard the loud but charming voice of Aunt Michiko.

Forget it. I don't want to sleep anymore.