A Luxurious Dinner

Ryuki was dressed in a tiny suit, perfectly tailored to fit his small frame of only 3 feet. His delicate hands and legs were adorned with the same fabric as the suit, giving him an air of sophistication beyond his years. Despite his diminutive size, he carried himself with confidence and grace. His pure white hair, carefully styled and arranged, added to his overall cuteness. It was hard not to be charmed by this tiny gentleman in his miniature formal attire.

Like Ryuki, Saki was also standing in a dress that flowed all the way down to her ankles, the frayed hem dancing at her feet. At just 3 feet tall, she was petite and delicate, with small hands and legs that seemed to defy gravity as she twirled around. Her blue hair cascaded over one shoulder, shimmering under the sunlight like a waterfall of sapphires. And in her vibrant blue dress, with its intricate lace patterns and ruffled sleeves, Saki looked nothing short of adorable. Her cheeks were round and rosy, giving her a soft and innocent appearance like that of a cherub.

As a mother of these two children, Fumiko didn't fall behind but also dressed in a stunning red dress, the fabric hugging her curves and accentuating her mature figure. Her ample bosom and shapely hips were on full display, causing heads to turn as she walked by. Her face was a perfect blend of youth and womanhood, with sharp features and delicate beauty. The dress fell just below her knees, revealing her toned legs that were wrapped in black stockings.

The family of these three wore new clothes, and they looked like a rich family, and they were rich. Three of them ready to go at resturant made for rich.

It was Ryuki idea to go there, and since they had a lot of money, Fumiko decided to go there and take a look. She also wanted to experience new things if possible. So, three of them arrived outside a luxurious restaurant.

They step down from a luxurious car they rent for today. Although Fumiko could afford to buy the car, she doesn't know how to drive, and she doesn't need to car too much, so she just doesn't care.

Fumiko gazed at the grand entrance of the Golden Dish Restaurant, impressed by its elegant exterior and golden embellishments. She could already tell this would be a dining experience unlike any other.

Together with her children Ryuki and Saki, Fumiko entered through the restaurant gate, where they were greeted by a stunning woman. Dressed in a crisp and professional attire, she led them to a table adorned with pristine white linens and sparkling silverware.

The woman handed Fumiko a menu, its pages filled with mouth-watering descriptions of dishes from all around the world. As they perused their options, another waitress arrived with glasses of ice-cold water, placing them gently on the table before bowing and leaving without a sound. The ambiance was refined yet inviting, making Fumiko feel like she was in for a truly special evening.

Saki's voice was muffled as she spoke with her mouth full of water. She gulped it down and then turned to her mother, Fumiko, with innocent big eyes. "Mom, I want this," she said.

Fumiko's eyes scanned over the dish Saki wanted, she nodded, "Okay," Then she turned to Ryuki and inquired with a slight tilt of her head, "Have you made your decision on what dish you want?" Her words were accompanied by a warm smile.

Ryuki's eyes scanned the menu, his fingers tapping on the table. "For me..." he began, finally settling on a dish and pointing to it decisively. "I want this one."

Fumiko followed his gaze and perused the menu before making her own choice. With a smile, she ordered for them.

Soft music played in the background, its gentle melodies filling the air as they waited for their food. And beyond the windows, a spectacular view of the city at night greeted them. The twinkling lights and bustling streets made for a truly beautiful experience, one that Ryuki, Saki, and Fumiko would surely remember for years to come if they didn't do anything more luxurious than this.

The waiters glided gracefully to the table, each one carefully placing a dish in front of Ryuki, Fumiko, and hungry Saki. The aroma of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, enticing their senses. As they eagerly took their first bites, their taste buds were met with an explosion of flavors. Each dish had been meticulously arranged, with vibrant colors and textures that delighted both the eyes and the palate. For the family of these three, it was a dining experience unlike any other – every bite was a symphony of tastes and sensations. As they savored each mouthful, a sense of contentment washed over them.

"Mom, I want to come here again," Saki said.

After dining, they left the place restaurant.

"Of course, we will come back," Fumiko smiled and rubbed Saki's head as she said.

"Yuppiiee," Saki threw her arms in the air as she was excited.

Ryuki doesn't understand how does Saki has energy to show her excitement this much. Although he was excited, he couldn't show how Saki does.