Ryuki's Bad Daydreame

Saki looked at Ryuki, and her face was full of fear as he ripped her clothes apart. Saki felt her heart pounding as Ryuki held electric razor, and he cut her blue hair, making half of her head bald.

Saki wanted to resist, but if she did, she wouldn't be able to save her mother. She needed money, a huge amount of money, to pay hospital fees.

"I can give you money if you do everything I say for a week, how does that sound?" Ryuki said.

At that time, Saki tried every means and thought of everything to gather money, but she couldn't find any way to get it. Even if she sold her body and got fucked every day by a man, she wouldn't get the money she needed in a week.

She has just a week, and she doesn't have any way to get money, so when Ryuki approached her with this offer, Saki agreed without hesitation.

So, Ryuki was doing whatever he wanted, and Saki couldn't resist.

"Eat this," Ryuki said.

Saki saw it was a drug, and she obediently ate it. Soon, she ate a lot of drugs and lost consciousness.

The next day, when she woke up.

Ryuki brought a mirror, and Saki looked at herself in the mirror. She saw half of her head was shaved. She had a lot of needles poked in her breast, bleeding, and her body was red. She had a big piercing on her eyebrows, nose, nipples, lips, belly button, clit, ass.

Saki also had many red marks all over her body, being whipped by Ryuki all night. Moreover, the cruelest thing Ryuki did was cut off her feet and hand from her wrist.

Saki's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth but found her tongue was missing.

Saki fainted.

From that day, she lost her mind. Saki couldn't think of anything and could only look around without saying anything. She didn't have her own will and became a puppet.

Her body was used a sextoy for man, and she lived her entire life like that.

Ryuki kept his promise and paid all the money for her mother's fees, but when her mother saw Saki like that, her mother died because of a heart attack.


"Please, please, I will do anything you want but please give me that, I need that, please."

Asuka was desperate and begged Ryuki.

Ryuki sat on the sofa, looked at Asuka, and smiled, "Really? You will do anything I ask?"

Asuka nodded her head, "I will, I will do anything."

"Then how about burn your breast?" Ryuki thought and asked.

Asuka was stunned and asked, "If I do that... Then will you give me?"

"Of course my dear, only if you do it in next five minutes."

Asuka immediately got up and got herself a gasoline and lighter. She was naked and poured some gasoline on her breast, and without hesitation, she lit up gasoline.

Then, the burning sensation spread in her breast, and Asuka didn't feel pain for a few seconds, but when she felt pain and burning, she screamed. She got up and started to put the fire away, but Ryuki got up and poured all the gasoline on her, and Asuka burned alive.


Fuck... What the hell was that?

Ryuki grabbed his chest as it violently beat against it.

Those scenes—they were bad endings for Saki and Asuka. Why did I remember them so vividly, like I was the one who did that? What was wrong with me?

Ryuki sat on the side of the road. He was breathing heavily, his forehead got sweaty, and he looked at the ground as his heart was beating crazily.

"Ryuki, Ryuki... Hey, man what's happened?"

"Huh?" Ryuki looked up and saw Yuta with a worried look on his face.

"Yuta... Why are you here? Where are we?" Ryuki was confused as he asked.

"What do you mean by that? Are you okay?" Yuta frowned and touched Ryuki's head.

"I'm sorry, I... I just remembered a very bad thing," Ryuki said, remembering what had happened and where he was. He breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm... Saki and Asuka are okay. I didn't do anything.

Ryuki saw those scenes so vividly that he felt they were real. Such things happened, and it wasn't game Ryuki who did but he.

"Are you really okay?" Yuta sat beside Ryuki and asked.

"Yeah, I'm," Ryuki nodded. He looked up at the clear sky.

How can I separate my personality and Game Ryuki's personality?

[There is no way]

Ryuki saw this, and his heart started beating faster.

No way? Isn't that mean... The sadist personality... Is mine not game world Ryuki... Do I enjoy torturing others?