Gruesome Sight

Ryuki confidently made his way to the high school science class room, the darkness of night cloaking his movements. His gift allowing him to easily pick locks and slip past security guards without a trace. As he entered the science class, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through his veins.

Without wasting any time, Ryuki began rummaging through cabinets and drawers, searching for specific chemicals that he needed. His bag, filled with all sorts of tools and gadgets, was ready to collect the necessary materials for make chemical to make Luke and Max unconscious.

Satisfied with his haul, Ryuki swiftly left the school grounds and headed back to his house.

That was easy but it was also excited.

Ryuki thought. He doesn't needed to steal chemicals, with lot of money he had, it was easy to buy this chemicals but he simply wanted to do something thrilling. Of course he left money there for the chemical he took.

Wait a minute... I can't keep this chemical at home, I need to go another place.

So, Ryuki got up and took keys of next door house.

Ryuki's mother, Fumiko doesn't wanted to leave this one room apartment and live in big house, where everyone had independent room. Fumiko liked small room and place where they could stay together.

This undoubtedly helped them to stay with each other and made relationship stronger.

However, Fumiko had lot of money, so she decided to buy entire apartments complexe.

Fumiko decided to rent apartment to students who left their parent's house to study and single parents who had to take care their children.

There was total 10 places to live and in one of them, Fumiko, Ryuki and Saki were living, and other 9 places were still ematy as Fumiko didn't found other people to rent it.

Ryuki went to next door and he placed the chemical bag there. He also had some other equipment that would help him to make a potent gas that would make any human unconscious in some seconds.

Ryuki spent entire night to make that potent gas, and next he had to do was go that cabin and spread this gas in the cabin.

This gas didn't had color or smell, so even if he spread in the cabin, Luck and Max won't know it.

Ryuki thought for moment and decided to go alone.

He had to spent three hours to reach the cabin, once he reached there, he looked at cabin and it was good cabin. He went in the cabin. He knew that Luke and Max won't be coming here today.

When he went inside, he saw something that made him stop his feet and his mind was blank for a moment.

His eyes widened in horror as he approached the woman. She lay on a ground, her body contorted and mangled beyond recognition. Her limbs were severed, wrapped tightly in bloody bandages that seemed to be the only thing holding her together. But it was not just the gruesome sight of her limbs being removed that filled him with dread. No, the most horrific aspect was the fact that she was still alive. He could see the fear and agony in her eyes as she lay there, helpless.

But it didn't end there. Above her, suspended by ropes and pulleys, was a bucket full of searing hot magma. And every hour, like clockwork, the bucket would tip over, pouring its scorching contents onto the woman's exposed body. In next hour a droplets of lava would fell onto her face, burning her skin and blinding her eyes.

He couldn't bear to imagine the torture this woman must have endured for hours or days, with no hope of escape or relief. The mere thought of it made his blood run cold and his stomach churn. This was a fate worse than death.

Luke and Max, this two scums... They need to die and not just any death but a more guresome death than this woman.

Ryuki remember the game. In the game, he felt angry when Luke and Max did many bad things to heroine but it was anger for few minutes then he forgets but now...

It's reality not a game. Because it was game, Ryuki forget about in some minutes but not now. He was going to make sure Luke and Max deserve for everything they had done to innocent women.

Is there any way to save this woman and help her back to normal.

Ryuki asked his gift.