Date With Sister

After Asuka, Ryuki also wanted Saki in his harem. So he asked for his gift in the best way. Although he knew what he should do, he still decided to ask for his gift just to see if there was a faster way than he thought.

[Just confess and hide your relationship from others]

Just what I thought, Sak already loves me, so there is no need to do anything more.

Ryuki smiled but he thought of confessing his love for Saki in more special way, he wanted to that moment unforgettable for Saki.

In the game, there were three scenes of Saki and Yuta's confessions. First was pure love route where they confessed at end of third day, on the day of graduation, the second was bad ending where Saki message I Love You to Yuta, then she killed herself. Lastly, when she was gang raped by a lot of men, she said it after Yuta saved her.