Strong Girls

"Your amazing, winning the second prize," Aoi said.

"Yes, I did not expect you be this good," Hikari also nodded.

"Well, it was only with senior help I can do it, otherwise I wouldn't able to do it," Yua said.

Ryuki looked at these girls talking, Aoi and Hikari praising Yua, and Yua being polite.

Well, when they were making the cake, Yua was the main chef, and Aoi and Hikari were just assistants. They two wanted to give Yua the experience of being in the contest and also test her, so they made her the main chef.

They headed to the main city at 6, spent 4 hours there, and then came back to the residential part, which took 1 hour. So now it was 11 p.m.

The sky was fully dark, and today, there weren't any stars and moon. It was good they had streetlights.