At Cafe [Lesbian]

As Aoi's story came to a close, Hikari's stomach gurgled loudly, drawing the attention of the three of them. They had barely managed to touch their breakfast before Mera's wish, and looking at the table from her standing position, Aoi could see that everything was drenched in milk.

"I don't think this is super salvageable." Aoi said. "Do you guys want to head into town and find a cafe?"

A few minutes later, the three of them had all climbed to their feet, Mera with great difficulty. Her balance was already thrown off by her curvier-than-normal hips and bloated boobs, and the milk covering the floor wasn't helping much. After seeing Mera take a step and almost slip, Aoi spoke up.

"Milk, disappear." She commanded, gesturing at the ground and feeling the rings vibrate. In an instant, the milk seemed almost to soak into the ground before disappearing completely.