Aftermath [RSakiYuzu]

After thoroughly enjoying Saki's body, it was time to head home. Ryuki could feel the lingering heat of their shared moment, the subtle ache in his muscles, and the faint scent of Saki's perfume still clinging to his clothes. He couldn't help but replay the events in his mind—how Saki's soft moans had echoed through the small hotel room, how her body had shivered beneath his touch, and how she had looked at him with a mixture of desire and vulnerability.

But now, as they walked side by side toward the station, Ryuki knew he had to keep up appearances. He was finally allowed to return to his senses, but the transition was jarring. His mind was still foggy, struggling to piece together the normality that was expected of him.

It wasn't easy to pretend to be back to normal right after experiencing such intense emotions and feelings. But he had no choice; otherwise, it would raise suspicions.