Selina (R-18)

Selina hurried toward the restaurant as Annemarie who is the debtor arranged the location. She hurried because she knew Annemarie would be very angry with her if she was late.

"Ahem, Miss Wirz," the waiter said. "Please take a seat."

"Thank you," Selina responded. She sat down and looked at Annemarie with three women sat before.

"Hello ladies," Selina greeted them, trying to look confident.

"you are late, Miss Wirz," Annemarie said.

"I'm sorry, but there were some I have a lot of orders to do before seeing you," Selina said.

The waiter returned with the drinks. He placed a glass in front of Selina and poured another for Annemarie. The waiter walked away from the table.

"If you want to eat something, just order it," Annemarie asked everyone.

"What will you get?" Felizia asked.

"I'll try the French fries," Selina replied.

"Me too."

Wilma and Vivian also ordered the French Fries.