Neptune Raining Diamonds

"Time to say goodbye to earth"

Namie And Jirawut look down to the planet below, tears streaming down their cheeks.

"We're leaving our home," Jirawut says sadly. "But I know we'll always have the memories of this place. We lived here so briefly, but it means a lot to us." He looks up at the sky. "Thank you, Mother Earth, for letting us live among your precious clouds."

Estella and Stella order all her army and spaceships back to Zuul first because Namie and Jirawut want to see planets in the solar system And it's considered a honeymoon period.

As Xephinon gently glides away from Earth, Namie and Jirawut stand together, their hands tightly clasped, as they watch their home planet recede into the distance. They feel a mix of emotions—sadness for leaving the place they once called home, but also excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.