A Curable Poison

Since the smell of a human could easily be distinguished by those in the Frost Elves Tribe, Drujinn gave them a special ring which allowed them to take the appearance of a Frost Elf. Since the three of them had white hair, the only thing that changed in their appearance were their ears.

"We'll disguise ourselves as someone from the Stillwater Tribe, descendant," Albrecht told Drujinn after making sure that he wouldn't disclose any information about them to his uncle.

Once the appropriate preparations were in place, the group entered the Frost Tribe Village. They were welcomed by Drujinn's uncle, Hrjinn, who seemed to be expectantly waiting for them by the entrance.

"So, you've returned from your patrol. It seems like we have visitors..."

"I'm Albrecht Stillwater from the Stillwater Tribe." Albrecht paid his respects with the same gesture. "I am a medical specialist and I have come to check up on Helena Frost as per your request."

"My request? But I didn't..." Before Hrjinn could say anything, Drujinn stepped forward and spoke a couple of words to him.

"I requested it under your name, uncle, please understand," Drujinn asked.

"Ah, right... that's good, I was about to ask for help anyway." Hrjinn brushed off the topic as he turned around. "I will wait for your detailed report on your patrol. Please give it by the end of the day."

Albrecht smiled as Drujinn gestured that they come with him.

It was a successful infiltration, and the next step was to heal Drujinn's mother before they moved on to the next phase of their plan..

"Right this way," Drujin continued. After a couple of minutes of walking through the village, they arrived at a bungalow-like house that had a huge porch in front. A certain white flower surrounded the house as it ran on top of the fence.

"Young master!" A panicked voice of a lady called out. Just then, the front door burst open, and out came a young lady wearing a maid outfit.

"Cecilia, what is it?" Drujinn asked, surprised that Cecilia greeted him with anxiousness.

Usually, Cecilia had an air of grace and calmness befitting that of royalty. Right now, however, she was acting the exact opposite.

"It's your mother, she's—"

Drujinn didn't need any telling twice. He immediately rushed inside the room to check up on her mother. Albrecht and the two vampires trailed right behind her, and Cecilia didn't bother stopping them since they were personal guests of the young master.

"Mother! Mother!" Drujinn repeatedly said as he grabbed her mother by the arm. "Please... help us," Drujinn asked, turning towards Albrecht.

Albrecht nodded his head.

['Eye of Judgment' equipped]

[Skill 'Zecian Clairvoyance' activated]

[You have fulfilled the hidden requirements]

[Hidden Requirement: Gain favor from Drujinn Frost and earn his respect]

[Drujin's unique skill 'Song of Winter' had been added to the Akashic Records of Space and Time ]

[Song of Winter (S-Rank)— a song sung by the winter faeries. Imbued in it is the blessing of winter, giving the user a boost to his ice skills by 30%. Grants complete nullification to the cold. Grants 60% movement speed in negative degrees temperature.]

The sudden announcement caused Albrecht to flinch since it interrupted his examination. After dismissing the windows that the System showed him, he continued his examination.

[Skill 'Zecian Clairvoyance' activated]

[Name: Helena Frost

Race: Frost Elf

Bloodline: Winter Frost Bloodline

Skills: See more...

Level: 39

Stats: See more... ]

At the bottom of the profile page that appeared in front of Albrecht, there was an additional line added.

[Status: Poisoned

Type of poison: Andranaka Poison (C-Rank)— in small doses, the Andranaka Poison can help with the development of the Zecian Aura in the body. This poison can easily wreak havoc in the body, causing the Zecian Aura to run wild. Signs include fever, vomiting, phlegm, and difficulty in controlling Zecian Aura. It is not fatal to someone with a low affinity to Zecian Aura. To a powerful Zecian Aura user, it is extremely fatal.]

Once again, Albrecht scanned through the ailment and asked the system for the cure. Fortunately, the cure was just normal acupuncture but he had no idea if he could perform it.

The operation included blocking the meridians of the person to temporarily block his or her usage of the Zecian Aura. The body subconsciously uses the Zecian Aura, and apparently, Helena Frost is pretty powerful for someone with Zecian Aura.

"All right, I'll do what I can," Albrecht called out. "Do you have acupuncture needles? Also, I need someone to brew Laffa Tea."

"I'll get it right away!" Cecilia had no idea why Albrecht needed the acupuncture needles, or why he was asking for Laffa Tea, but she decided to get them for him anyway.

"What are you going to do?" Drujinn asked, but Albrecht didn't answer him.

Helena tossed and turned on the bed, and her Zecian Aura was getting out of control. Albrecht had the urge to use his skill 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' to stop her Zecian Aura from leaking out. However, he had no idea whether it'd have a negative effect or not.

In the end, he stuck to the information that the System gave him.

"Laffa tea is used to induce sleep, right? What do you need it for?" Claude leaned in towards Albrecht and whispered.

"To calm her down. You'll see what I'm talking about." Albrecht continued.

In a minute, Cecilia came back with the acupuncture needles. Albrecht didn't waste any time cutting off Helena's meridian so her Zecian Aura wouldn't continue going out of control. Once she's calmed down a little bit, Albrecht started taking care of her like he would a feverish patient.

He wrung a wet towel and put it on Helena's head. He also began massaging her temples to further calm her down. "Is the Laffa Tea ready?" Albrecht asked.

As if on cue, Cecilie came back with a tray in hand. There were teapots and cups on the tray. She should've brought one cup, but she had no idea who would drink the Laffa Tea so she brought five cups instead.

"Will... will mother be all right?" Drujinn asked. Seeing that her mother calmed down a bit, he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Right now, he didn't care whether his uncle was ruling over the entire Frost Elves Race or not. All he wanted was for his mom to be cured.

Because deep inside, he knew that when that happens... the throne would easily go back to them. After all, Helena Frost is the queen of the Frost Elves.

"Yes, it would take at least a day for the poison to naturally come out of her body." Albrecht didn't specify that the poison would come out of her rear side in the form of a gas.

"For now, don't take off the acupuncture, and change the wet towel on her forehead from time to time to keep her temperature down."

"Also, once she regains consciousness, give her Laffa Tea. Give her a cup when she wakes up. It would greatly help with getting rid of the poison." Once his lengthy explanation was over, he stood up. "We have a couple of things to take care of... so we'll be back to check up on your mom the next day."

"Don't worry about your uncle, for now, just keep on nursing your mom while she's recovering. Well then, we have to go and step into the Fourth Outerlayer. We'll be back as soon as we can."

Just like a passing storm, Albrecht and his two companions said goodbye to Cecilia and Drujinn, leaving when they had just arrived... As for Cecilia and Drujinn, they were both a bit disoriented that it didn't even occur to them to say their thanks.