The Undead Bonesword Samurai

"This is not a D-Rank Dungeon. It's a B-Rank!"

"But... the Rilegarthe Kingdom assigned this to us because it was a C-Rank? What's going on?"

"Whatever it is, we have to get out of here!" Yulie snapped at her team, which was having a hard time keeping the Ghost Metal Knights at bay.

"B-but how?"

"Sasha! You're the Scout! You have to get out of here and contact the others! Since we're inside the Dungeon, we can't contact anyone via our tags." Yulie gritted her teeth, activating her unique skill 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' so they could at least sustain themselves for a time.

"R-right!" Sasha Clifford, the scout of the Paladin's Hand Party, didn't hesitate to run away to bring the news to other Caharsa Guild members. She knew that a modicum of hesitation could lead to more extinguished lives. Speed is of the essence and she was ordered to do it. That's why she couldn't afford to waste precious seconds.

"And ALSO!" Yulie gritted her teeth as a yellow glow surrounded her body. This same yellow glow slowly enveloped the others as well. She continued speaking. "ALSO! Make sure you call Albrecht Stein!"

"Right! Please be careful, guild master, everyone," Sasha stopped short and wished everyone good luck before she headed out of there.

"Don't worry, we'll slowly retreat while holding them off. Please hurry," Yulie responded, forcing a smile on her face so Sasha and the others won't panic.

She was the guild master and the leader of this party. There was no way she'd show a moment of weakness in front of them.

— — —

Fifth Outerlayer, Entrance to the Hidden Dungeon,

"I'm going in." Albrecht decided, steeling his resolve as he determinedly entered the Hidden Dungeon. Since it had come down to it, he was going to conquer the Hidden Dungeon alone. There was no time to formulate a new plan, he had to go through with it as fast as he could.

Who knows, maybe he could save some time.

Albrecht took one step forward. Half of his body immediately went inside as if the Hidden Dungeon was sucking him in.

As he took another step, he didn't notice the commotion that was happening two kilometers or so away from where they were. If he were paying attention, he'd have detected the commotion.

However, his thoughts were preoccupied with the Hidden Dungeon and how to conquer it. As such, he had no idea about what was happening over there when he entered the Hidden Dungeon.

A couple of minutes later, Asvi and the others detected the commotion. And then they noticed the person running towards them.

"Sasha Clifford? What's she doing here?" Asvi asked. The moment she recognized her, she instantly realized that there was something wrong, and he ran towards her, meeting her halfway.

"Asvi! We need your help! The D-Rank Dungeon was actually a B-Rank Dungeon! Yulie and the others were holding off the monsters, but they were bound to exhaust themselves soon and an outbreak might occur!" Sasha concisely explained what was going on, as expected of a professional high-ranking scout.

"Oi~ oi~ are you serious?!" Asvi exhaled, turning towards his party members who just caught up to him.

"Also, if you know where Albrecht is, we need his help. I sent him a message, but I couldn't reach him. Is he inside a dungeon?" Sasha asked.

Sasha's words almost made Asvi click his tongue. Even in the midst of trouble, Yulie was looking for Albrecht instead of him.

It was an effective punch to the gut, but he didn't feel a shred of animosity toward Albrecht. After witnessing his power, he held him in high regard in terms of respect.

"We know where he is, but we can't reach him at the moment," Asvi responded. This was his chance to run to Yulie's aid and prove his worth as a man. There was no way he'd try to get Albrecht back from the inaccessible dungeon.

"Where's the dungeon, let's head over there right now." Asvi continued with a great sense of urgency. He then grabbed Sasha by the hand and prompted her to lead them to the wrongly-appraised dungeon.

"But how about—" Before Fioana could say anything, Asvi interrupted her.

"Yulie and her party are in danger. I'm sure Albrecht would understand. Now, let's go. There's not a moment to lose." Asvi announced without even batting an eye at the Hidden Dungeon which Albrecht entered. This time, he was the one who was going to Yulie's side.

It was his time to shine.

Hidden Dungeon, Fifth Outerlayer,

Just like the Fifth Outerlayer, the overall vibe of the Hidden Dungeon was related to the undead. While the entire dungeon resembled a forest, there were tombstones and sepulchers all over the place, littering the place with its randomness.

The looming sound of darkness enveloped the entire dungeon, but Albrecht ignored it. He didn't feel that horrified since it only seemed like he was watching a horror film.

Everywhere he looked, humanoid forms shifted here and there, trying to scare him and take advantage of his peripheral vision.

"The Undead Bonesword Samurai. I need to defeat him." Albrecht muttered to himself. "But I won't be able to get to him unless I killed all his lackeys first. Based on the System, he won't spawn unless I annihilated all his subordinates."

In total, the Undead Bonesword Samurai (the dungeon boss) had twelve disciples. And all of them were at least B-Rank. If they came at Albrecht simultaneously, he's bound to get defeated.

Fortunately, it wasn't time for them to come out yet, so Albrecht could attack them one at a time.

With his enhanced sense and the help of the System, Albrecht immediately located the twelve disciples. They were all asleep, which was ironic since they were undead in the first place.

"Right, let's go," Albrecht hyped himself up. But before he could take another step, he saw a window popped up in front of him.

[Turn back, Satoshi]

[Turn back]

[An emergency quest has been issued]

[Emergency Quest: Clear the B-Rank Dungeon and Rescue Yulie Rosethorn]