Blindly Following The Master

The harp-wielding Second Disciple was more refined compared to the First Disciple. Despite her horrid resemblance to a corpse, her body had a curvaceous figure, and she hardly moved from where she was. She continued strumming the harp, sending more and more wind slashes at Albrecht.

With grace, Albrecht dodged the attacks, all the while keeping a close eye on the Third and Fourth Disciples.

Unlike the First and Second Disciples who were thin in nature, the Third Disciple was stocky, and he wielded a mace. As for the Fourth Disciple he only carried a shield, so Albrecht didn't think too much about him.

To Albrecht's surprise, the Third Disciple was actually speedy even though he was in the heavyweight class. With a thump, the Third Disciple approached Albrecht, swinging his mace around as if to intimidate him.

Not paying him any mind, Albrecht charged at the Second Disciple, still using his Cosmos Spatial Sword to slash her.

Just as expected, the Second Disciple was a range type, and she boasted great offense while having a superbly low defense. Adding to that, her offensive capabilities sacrificed her mobility as well, so she couldn't run away the moment Albrecht approached her.

Even with her half-rotten face, Albrecht saw the desperation on her face. She knew she would get eliminated soon, and it pricked her mind.

Skill 'Shielder's Far Save' activated.

Shielder's Far Save is an exclusive skill of a shield-user that allowed him to teleport instantly to his teammate.

In a split second, the Fourth Disciple activated his skill and instantly appeared in front of the Second Disciple (harp). Just when the Second Disciple was about to get slashed by Albrecht's ultimate weapon, the Fourth Disciple (shield) appeared to defend her.

There was great camaraderie emanating from the Fourth Disciple's empty eye sockets. Even though he hardly wore any expression on his face, Albrecht was reasonably certain that it treated all his comrades as comrades.

"I'm sorry... that won't be enough to convince me," Albrecht muttered, swinging his Cosmos Spatial Sword.


There was a pause. Even the Third Disciple (mace), who turned his back to sprint towards Albrecht, stopped short when he noticed the sheer power of the slice.

[You've killed the Fourth Disciple]

The slice went through the Fourth Disciple's shield, cutting him in half. However, his initial goal was successful.

At the cost of his life, the Fourth Disciple managed to protect the Second Disciple til the end.

Then again, one could hardly say that they have a life since they were undead in the first place.

"I'm sorry," Albrecht said a second time as he ducked and rushed at the Third Disciple. Now that he knew just how powerful his new weapon was, it gave him more confidence.

Before the Third Disciple could attack, Albrecht sliced him straight through his stomach.


[You've leveled up]

[You can now beg the System to show you your stats]

[More pages on the System Shop had been unlocked]

[System Shop Voucher x2 obtained]

"Ah~ so that makes me level 3, huh," Albrecht said to himself as he gathered the items that dropped from the Third Disciple.

Although their weapons weren't that noteworthy, Albrecht still got them, putting them in his spatial storage space just in case he could use them next time. The drops from the disciples were average, but Albrecht was fairly certain that there'd be a use for them in the near future.

All this time, the Second Disciple didn't attack anymore. More like, she couldn't attack since she was frozen in place. Albrecht's insane power-up made him exponentially stronger than any of them,

Even though she was an undead, she was afraid.

The only reason why they were fighting him in the first place was to guard the treasure in the Hidden Dungeon. They'd been assigned to protect it with their lives, and there was no way any of them would let anyone take the treasure.

Even their master, the Undead Bonesword Samurai, was tasked with protecting the treasure. But right now, he still hasn't awakened so it was up to them, the Twelve Disciples, to protect the treasure in his stead.

'Master... I'm sorry... we're all going to die here...' The Second Disciple thought to herself while she looked at Albrecht in sheer terror.

While the Second Disciple was shaking in sheer fear and terror, Albrecht took his sweet time approaching her. He knew that she had already been mentally defeated, that's why he didn't bother attacking her anymore. On the battlefield, she was as good as dead.

Since Albrecht had access to a lot of information from the System, he knew just exactly what these undead were guarding.

"Sheila," Albrecht called out, causing the Second Disciple to turn her head. Albrecht imagined her bashful expression even though it couldn't be seen on her face.

"How did you..." The Second Disciple had no idea how Albrecht knew his name, but she knew that even the other disciples had no idea who she was.

"That's not important, what's important is... why are you trying to risk your life over mere change? Did your master ever tell you what you're guarding here?" Albrecht incredulously asked. He was within arm's length from the Second Disciple, and he pressed his head closer to her.

Now that she got a clearer look at her, she was actually beautiful. To top it all off, she didn't smell like a corpse. A faint scent of rose and cherry emanated from her. Even though her hair was frazzled, it had a sheen of newly-washed hair.

"Your master just told you to guard this place with your life... but you don't even know what's beyond those doors, right?"

Now that Sheila thought about it, Albrecht was speaking facts. They blindly followed their leader without knowing what they were risking their lives for. The realization hit her like a truck, and she felt even more defeated than she was a couple of moments ago.

At this point, the other eight disciples had already awakened, and they started making their way toward Albrecht.

"Sheila," Albrecht then called out, jerking his thumbs to the other disciples. "Tell them they'll die right away if they fight me... also, I want to speak to your manage— er, your boss, that Undead Bonesword Samurai." Albrecht continued.