A Spark Amongst The Overseers

Sixth Outerlayer, Hldrmir's Realm,

Sunbeams peered through the gaps between the forest, giving the wild beasts their due worth of sunlight while they roam. The fresh breeze gently swayed and softly rustled the trees, giving a serene ambiance to the vicinity. Chirps and coos resonated with the heart of the forest as well, lighting up the atmosphere while the cool summer weather blended in.

"How tranquil." Hldrmir let out a breath while he held out his hand, welcoming the birds as he fed them by the hand.

It was the usual scene in his dimension— a forest that filled a majority of the world wherein he reigned as the supreme ruler. This was the same place that connected to the Sixth Outerlayer— well, a small portion of it was. This portion was somewhat connected and simultaneously disconnected to his dimension, which was convenient considering that adventurers might venture in and lay waste on the place.


In an instant, Hldrmir felt a certain spark in his mind, causing a brief headache that lasted a millisecond. Even though it was just momentary, he knew exactly what caused it. "Oi oi~ are you kidding me right now?" He forced a smile on his face as his demeanor instantly darkened. "Don't tell me—"

For a second back there, he felt a certain connection to someone— a follower who had been nonexistent for a long time. Somehow, he was resurrected and is once again using the medallion that signified his position as a great follower of the Overseer of Earth.

— — —

Eleventh Outerlayer, Fjormir's Realm,

Fjormir was casually bathing in the flames, anticipating the adventurers who come far and wide just to receive her blessing. Just like Hldrmir, her dimension was also linked to a lot of places across the dimensions, giving her access to as many worlds as possible.

The lava bubbled in a thick viscous manner, reminding Fjormir of the ocean. The sight of the ocean was but a distant memory to her. In her dimension, oceans don't exist. Instead, huge lakes of lava existed, causing the creatures living there to shift into hardened beasts as nature did its best to preserve them.


Suddenly, a flashing light appeared before her eyes, causing her to flinch as she flailed her hands in a poor attempt to drive away the light. In a split second though, the light dissipated, leaving her disoriented as her vision adjusted. The suddenness caused her to panic, and she got out of the lava with bated breaths.

"What was that abou—" Before she could finish her question, a distant memory appeared in her mind. The memory of the other three overseers showed up in her mind, reminding her of the symbol she once gave someone.

Now that she saw that particular memory, she finally regained her composure, heaving a sigh of relief while her panic slowly abated. For a moment, she assumed that something otherworldly happened. Fortunately, it was just the reappearance of a certain someone.

"So... he finally got it, huh. I can't believe it. I guess I'd see him soon." Fjormir smiled, the colors on her face returning.

??? Outerlayer, Njormir's Realm,

"Another hero has returned," Njormir said to herself when she felt the same bout of electricity in her mind. The split-second of surprise caused the sea creatures around her to swim away, which saddened her a little bit.

Nevertheless, the circumstance was worth celebrating, besides, the sea creatures would return soon after. "It would still take a long time before I meet him... but he might arrive sooner than expected. Interesting."

??? Outerlayer, Jalmir's Realm.

Jalmir's Realm was nothing but empty space, but it was actually a dwarf planet with a huge atmosphere. Towering trees filled the entire planet, and the strong breeze due to the planet's rotation was what encouraged the wind creatures to proliferate.

"He's returned, huh... no, something feels different. Another anomaly? Huh, this is the first time this happened in all dimensions This is worth checking out." Jalmir smiled to himself. As usual, he waited for adventurers to arrive at his doorstep, just so he could give the worthy ones his blessing.

"I'm looking forward to meeting you, hero," Jalmir announced, an intense gust blowing against his hair.

— — — — —

Cat's Paw Tavern, Kingdom of Rilegarthe,

"I'm Margaret Hatchet. Nice to meet you! Do you have a girlfriend?"


Before Albrecht could say anything, he felt like choking as he felt the bloodlust emanating from Yulie. Margaret also sensed it so she waved her hand in a flirtatious manner, brushing off her question as a joke.

"I'll tell Mom you're here. Are you going to stay the day? or the night?" She winked. Her question sounded a bit suspicious.

"We'll stay for a meal, we'll be leaving soon," Yulie responded. "We need a room."

"I guessed." Margaret winked a second time, teasing Yulie before she disappeared behind the curtains. "Meal's on me, just make sure you're going to pay next time 'kay?" She brightly said, throwing a key at Yulie which she promptly caught mid-air.

"Let's go," Yulie said gesturing for everyone to follow her as she headed upstairs. She didn't expect her friend to jump on the bandwagon as one of her rivals... not that everyone was on that bandwagon, she just assumed that it was there.

Then again, Sheila and Yukina were slightly romantically interested in Albrecht, but right now they treat him as his equal, a companion more than anything. Yulie's instincts were on the money.

"Wahhhh~" Before all of them got on the stairs, Sheila stopped short when she saw a tabby cat walking towards her. It had been so long since she petted a cat, that's why she found it rather tempting to stay by the tavern and mingle with the cats.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at Albrecht, silently asking him if she could stay. "Sure, you can stay. You can join us when you get hungry." Albrecht gave her permission.

In response, Sheila lit up as she sheepishly approached the cat. Fortunately, the cat was willing to be petted.