The Spy's Other Job, And Reunion With The Chieftess

Rilegarthe Kingdom, Rilegarthe Guild

"Sir, are you kidding me?" The Gold Rank Adventurer extended her hand in slight frustration as she tried to ease the altercation between her and the guild master.

"No, I'm not kidding. This would prove to be an enlightening experience for you." Azura Xalthor, the guild master of the Rilegarthe Kingdom, grinned as he leaned forward. "You were a spy from a far kingdom, right? Then, you have to agree to my terms if you don't want me to kill you on the spot."

"That's not even... what is this ridiculous deal?! I'm not agreeing to this." She turned her head around, stomped her foot, and bolted out of there.

However, before she could take one more step out of Azura's office, she felt a bone-chilling sensation creep on her back. Her body froze in place, and she felt the freezing cold envelop her until her entire body numbed out.

"Didn't I make myself clear... that I'm not up for negotiations?" Azura clenched his teeth in slight annoyance. "You're a wanted spy in my kingdom, and I could execute you right here and now. But I'm giving you a second chance."

"You do your own thing, while you do what I instructed you to. Think of it as having another employer. I will remove the bounty on your head, and you can go on doing what you want." Azura retracted his hands, and the lady fell on her stomach as her frozen body thawed at room temperature.

"It's basically a win-win for you, you know. You won't have to deal with the bounty of your head, all the while earning extra money from me if you do your job properly." Azura Xalthor brushed his hair.

He couldn't believe that he had to spell it out for her when it was already as clear as crystal. 'For a world-renowned spy, she sure is slow in the head, huh.' Azura inwardly said to himself.

"Hmph~ don't underestimate me. I don't have the title 'Frozen Assassin Princess' for no reason." She flicked her hair at Azura.

In response, Azura flailed his hands in the air as if he was shooing something. "Eww, don't do that, what if your lice spread?" He teased. "In any case, disney princess or whatever, just do your job properly, and we'll see whether you deserve a second chance or not."

"Don't call me that. And I don't have lice. Do you see this pristine white hair? Even the royalty is envious of this sheen." The 'Frozen Assassin Princess' stomped her foot once again before she signed the contract. She stormed off without a second thought.

Clicking her tongue, she wondered why she had to spy on an ex-member of the Heroes of Relics. And the more she thought about it, the more suspicious she got. 'I'll find out soon enough.' She told herself as she disappeared into the distance.

— — —


"Albrecht!" Theresa didn't even hesitate, dropping off her watering can as she rushed at Albrecht. It's as if she was a maiden who was just welcoming her husband from the war.

With a delighted smile on her face, she hugged Albrecht as tight as she could, as if he really was her husband. Then she planted a kiss on his lips without a second thought.


If her dead husband were to see this moment, he'd have crawled out of his grave and reincarnated in an instant. Then again, he was already dead since Claude was still a baby so this relationship should be somewhat acceptable even within the tribe.

And who in their right mind would question the decision of the chieftess? No one.

"Eh?! The chieftess is hugging..." The small child looked up at the touching reunion that happened between Albrecht and Theresa. She rubbed her eyes to confirm if she was dreaming or not since this was a rare occurrence.

The calm and collected, ice-cold chieftess she held in high regard was actually showing such warm emotions. It was a great shock to the small child, but it was a good kind of shock. In silence, she turned around, nodding her head as she left the two lovebirds alone.

Somehow, their reunion reminded her of her own parents, and she concluded that she'd just be in the way if she was to stay.

"Eh? Ah ehrmm..." Albrecht mumbled as his mind got fuzzier by the second.

As for Theresa, she let out a squeal as she impulsively let go of her embrace. She got too overly excited that she moved without thinking, and now she did something that put Albrecht in a spot.

"I-I'm sorry... I was just..." She fidgeted, bashfully turning away from Albrecht as her soothing voice trailed off into the distance.

Before the situation turned extremely awkward, Albrecht bowed his head toward Theresa. "I'm glad that you've fully recovered, Theresa-san." He greeted. Their first greeting was kind of rushed, so he chose to step back a bit and let the conversation flow naturally.

"Welcome back, Albrecht... um, thank you for saving my life." Sensing that Albrecht was pulling back a little, she decided to match his pace and talk to him as the chieftess. "Not only did you save our tribe, but you also saved my children. If it weren't for you, they'd have done something irreversible." She bowed her head in return.

'Well, they overthrew a kingdom, and they tried to summon a dragon... it couldn't get any worse than that.' Albrecht said in his mind as he forced a chuckle out of his mouth.

"No, it was just... I was just protecting my world." Albrecht had no idea why he was talking like that. He wanted to punch his face in front of Theresa right then and there.

"But you spared their lives and even cured me of my illness. How can I ever thank you?" She asked, her eyes tearing up as she turned away from Albrecht. "I'm really grateful, Albrecht. If you want to take the title of chief, I will gladly do it."

[Akashic Records of Space and Time had activated]

[Her unique skill, 'Scourge of the Blood Flame' can be recorded in the Akashic Records]

[Certain requirements should be met in order to make her unique skill your own]

[Requirements to record the skill 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin']

[The chieftess of the Whitelock Tribe, despite being a vampire, has been KISSED with divine protectio—]

"Nope, not reading that." Albrecht swiped off the system windows that appeared in front of him, his hand grazing over the laced ribbon tied on Theresa's chest. This caused her to step forward as her bosom planted itself squarely on Albrecht's palm. It wasn't the other way around since Albrecht had no intention of touching her chest whatsoever.



"Eh?! I-if you really want to... you could've just asked, you know? You can touch them as m-much as you want." Theresa's face reddened as she suppressed the embarrassment she felt. She couldn't believe that Albrecht would make a move on her in broad daylight. Technically, she did the exact same thing so she had no right to feel embarrassed.

Furthermore, her words were already an embarrassment in and of itself.

"Wait what, no, that's not what I—" Albrecht panicked, but his hand just won't stop squeezing the soft pudding sensation. It was heavenly, and his inner man just won't stop with his ever-burning desire.



'WHAT THE—?!' Albrecht screamed in his head as full-blown panic set in. He could've sworn that the System was louder than usual, but that's not the main concern in his mind right now.

The moment he turned around, he noticed two familiar figures standing by the entrance of the village.

They were none other than Anastasia and Claude Whitelock! And from the looks of things, it seemed like they completely saw everything unfold!