The Death Of All Heroes

"Isaias-san! We can't do this anymore!"

From his shoulders, Isaias stole a glance at the Heroes of Kianala who were on the verge of losing their post. Despite their reputation with the first Mystic Rank Adventurer coming from their guild, they were actually showing such bad performance during this conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer.

Then again, they weren't the only ones who were struggling. Even the Heroes of Relics and the others were pretty exhausted. They could barely defend their posts on the sixth wave, and at this rate, they knew that they were bound to fail to defend their post on the seventh wave. Heck, it was practically impossible for them to last as long as the tenth wave... or so that's what they approximated due to their exhaustion and depleted Zecian Aura.

[Wave 6/100 cleared]

[Wave 7/100]

[Posts defended:4]

[Defend your posts!]

"Brace yourselves!" This time it was Sun Wu who screamed. Every team consisting of heroes was on the verge of losing it as well.

"Oi, are you kidding me?" Alexander grunted when the next wave of the Earth Sand Golems appeared.

Not only that, they were bigger than normal, and they didn't have to use their observation skills to know that their levels had already exceeded a hundred. They couldn't even imagine that these golems before were only level 69 a couple of moments ago... no, even level 69 was higher than expected.

"We can't do this anymore... we lost a post," Isaias muttered to himself as he brought the Heroes of Kianala over to defend his post. This way he'd have more leeway. "At this rate, we can't defend up to a hundred."

And Isaias spoke the truth. There was no way they could defeat the entire wave even if they worked together.

Spreading their forces may not seem like a good idea, but it gave them a better chance at keeping as many posts as they could. However, right now it proved to be counterproductive, and at this point, all of them would just be a burden if they were to give up on their posts and focus on just one.

It was a dilemma since either choice didn't mean anything. The outcome of both choices would converge into one ending— and that is, the unsuccessful clear of the Seventh Outerlayer.

Even Albrecht could foresee it. He didn't have the utmost confidence when it came to the clear of this Outerlayer, and Isaias (who was deemed to be the most powerful adventurer in the group) shared the same sentiment.

"I guess it's time to bring out the big guns," Albrecht muttered to himself.

[Skill 'Saddim's Touch' activated]

[Legendary Moldbreaker equipped]

This time, Albrecht equipped both the Sariel Death Scythe and the Legendary Moldbreaker on both hands. And not only that, he finally nodded on the Immortal Fireflower so she could go all out. He then addressed his three team members to continue defending the posts, and they guarded it without hesitation.

"Kuuuu~" The Immortal Fireflower let out a satisfied squeal as it was finally allowed to go all out. Ever since the first wave came rolling, she wanted to jump into combat and annihilate the Earth Sand Golems. However, Albrecht didn't allow her to.

Now, it was her time to shine, or rather, burn everything to nothingness.

"Make sure not to burn the people... or should I be responsible for that?" Albrecht asked the Immortal Fireflower, to which she responded by profusely nodding her head once she activated her skill.

There was no time! At this rate, everyone was going to be burned alive... no, they'd most likely get incinerated before they feel anything.

Even Isaias Asclepius, who had confidence in his defense stats, became worried when the wave of flame came crashing down all around them. "Oi~ wait!" Albrecht screamed at the top of his lungs, pausing in the middle of his attack when the Immortal Fireflower produced a wave of flames.

The wave was of blue and scarlet color, mixing into a blend of surreal colors which screamed of danger. In terror, Albrecht watched as the waves connected to all the Earth Sand Golems, and then it slowly consumed the heroes who were present.

Letting out a gasp, Albrecht rushed towards the Immortal Fireflower to tell her to stop what she was doing. Then again, his desperate command wouldn't do anything at all. They were already consumed by the flames, completely consumed. Even if he were to tell the Immortal Fireflower to stop, the deed was already done, and the consequences were more or less irreversible.

In his mind, Albrecht played out everything that would happen after this conquer attempt. The heroes would be considered dead, and everyone would look at him as if he was a criminal. After all, he'd be the only one who will survive the raid.

Adding to that, the kingdoms would incessantly target him and give him a difficult time, as well as the family members of the heroes. Every single day would be restless, and Abrecht would wish that he'd die instead of continuing his life as an adventurer.

Everything seemed so clear now as if Albrecht would really undergo such hardship just because of this incident. Pursing his lips, Albrecht cursed himself a couple of times in his mind before he turned away.

That's when he sensed the playful chuckle of the Immortal Fireflower in his head. And when all the Earth Sand Golems were completely consumed by the fire, the spires of flames that enveloped the other heroes slowly abated, and Albrecht saw them standing right there! Unscathed.

"W-w-what the— ?!" Albrecht stammered. Not only was the entire wave cleared. But as it turned out, the Immortal Fireflower was just pranking him.

She acted as if all the heroes had died, when in fact she dexterously controlled her skill so the heroes wouldn't be burned by a single lick of flame.

[Wave 7/100 cleared]

[Wave 8/100]

[Posts defended:4]

[Defend your posts!]

"Sigh~ you really got me on that one, Immortal Fireflower." Albrecht shrugged as he approached his summon and patted it on the head.

The ninth wave commences...