An Attempt To Break Through The Seventh Outerlayer

All the heroes felt a little called out when it came to Isaias's opinion. Then again, they couldn't return his truthful words since he merely spoke the fact. And adding to that, he had shown how decent he was at defending his post while all of them were having a good hard time with theirs.

As vaguely mentioned, no one knew that Isaias was actually the very first Mystic Adventurer (except for the Heroes of Kianala). That's why when he backed Albrecht up, Albrecht responded with a mere nod before focusing once again on the next wave.

"I have a new order..." Sun Wu gritted his teeth as he addressed the Heroes of Relics. "We're going to support the vampire and his team. Let's set aside our grudges for now... and focus on clearing this forsaken Seventh Outerlayer."

Following the renowned Sun Wu, the other heroes also advised their teams to focus on supporting both Albrecht's team and Isaias Asclepius. After all, there was only so much they could do now that their post was conquered by the Earth Sand Golems.

— — — — —

Meanwhile, in the First Outerlayer,

A mild panic was ensuing in the First Outerlayer as most of the heroes tried to enter the Zecian Portal that would lead to the Seventh Outerlayer. No matter how hard they tried, the Zecian Portal was completely closed, and even if they tried to attack it, their actions would either bounce off or be absorbed.

"Chronostasia, can't you do something about it? Is there a way we could open this Zecian Portal without endangering everyone inside?" Rhydderch Wintermoon, the guild master of the Lomenschwaal Guild, asked as his brows furrowed. He badly wanted to help but there was nothing he could do if they were outside.

With a frown, Chronostasia shook her head. "We already got inside before we were thrown out. With these conditions, I should've been able to create a Zecian Portal that would lead to the Seventh Outerlayer. But somehow, some sort of higher power is blocking it. There's nothing we could do but wait."

Frustrated, Rhydderch Wintermoon clenched his fists, so much so that his palms started bleeding. He was the guild master, and being told that there was nothing he could do but wait really frustrated him to no end. Then again, there really was nothing he could do aside from passing the time staring at the Zecian Portal.

"No, I can't do this. We have to do something. Our guild members are inside."

Clocking his fists, Rhydderch Wintermoon started pummeling at the Zecian Portal, but his punches would just bounce off. That didn't discourage him from firing off even powerful punches though. Even though the attacks were completely reflected, he continued with the onslaught.

"Stop it, Rhyd, you're just hurting yourself." Azura Xalthor called out, but he was more than impressed that Rhydderch would go this far just to get his adventurers out of there.

"Shut up." Rhydderch remarked, gritting his teeth as he 'traded' blows with the Zecian Portal.

The nearby adventurers all watched him as if he was an alien who just touched down on planet Earth. As time passed, his action got even more desperate, but that didn't stop him from straining his entire body more and more, squeezing out a few inches of power just so he could get more offensive physical output.

Pretty soon, the onlookers steered clear from Rhydderch, giving him more space so they won't be affected by the sheer loudness and power of his punches. Every time he hit the Zecian Portal, a blast of air would erupt all around him, forming temporary tornadoes before dissipating in the air.

Some of the adventurers thought that failing the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer wouldn't mean the end of the world. And even if they were to fail now, they could always try again.

However, if they had the time to take a step back and look at their predicament objectively, they were bound to realize that failing on this conquer attempt right now would literally mean that the Seventh Outerlayer won't be cleared. Not now or ever.

And for some odd reason, Rhydderch was the only one rational and sensible enough to think about this. After all, if they were to lose the conquer attempt right now while all the heroes were inside, then failing this conquer attempt would mean the deaths of all the heroes summoned from the past.

If that were to happen, then the world was doomed. The heroes were relatively more powerful than your average adventurer, that's why losing all of them would mean the end of the world.

"Come on!" Rhydderch grunted, pulling his right arm and delivering another blow.

Now that he was using his Zecian Aura way beyond the capabilities of his body, his arm exploded upon contact.

However, the moment he did that, he felt something for the first time, and no, it wasn't his masochistic tendencies.

That's right, on that last punch, he felt the Zecian Portal bounce before reflecting his attack— which meant that there was a small time-frame, a window of opening where he could punch the Zecian Portal once again and break it open like a a freshly-picked coconut.

"I need a healer!" Rhydderch screamed.

There was a moment's pause while all the adventurers looked at each other, bewildered. For the first time, after more than an hour of continuously punching the Zecian Portal, Rhydderch finally addressed the other adventurers, asking for a healer.

"You go,"

"No, you go,"


"Rhydderch Wintermoon, right?" Before Rhydderch could call out to everyone for the second time, a lady with blond hair approached and addressed him. Just like Rhydderch, she too was gravely worried about the heroes inside, particularly Albrecht Stein.

"I'm Yulie Rosethorn. I was kicked out of the Zecian Portal as well and my entire team is inside. I badly need to go inside and help them." Yulie said. "That's why, even if it was just a little bit, let me give you basic heals and give you a couple of divine buffs."

For the last couple of hours, Yulie Rosethorn was trying to figure out how to get inside the Seventh Outerlayer as well. She actually went to the Sixth Outerlayer, Hldrmir's Realm, to see if there were any open Zecian Portals there. After that, she looked around for some other ways.

Left with not much of a choice, Yulie Rosethorn was backed into a corner, and the only thing she could do right now was to support Rhydderch. After all, he was a fellow guild master, and he was just like her— he didn't give up even though everyone sort of already did.

"I'll be troubling you then," Rhydderch said, slightly bowing his head in a respectful gesture before Yulie Rosethorn activated her blessing.